That would weed out a lot of Management employees....Amtrak travel is free for employees. What if there was a requirement, at least for certain employees, of a certain number of trips or miles per year?
That would weed out a lot of Management employees....Amtrak travel is free for employees. What if there was a requirement, at least for certain employees, of a certain number of trips or miles per year?
$87K might sound like lots of $$ to people in flyover country but for DC it's just a liveable wage if one is in a two income family.Geee Wiz!!! Has the present Amtrak management actually indulged in this new contemporary salty oily tasteless mush? Maybe they were shown 'samples' of it as they headed towards the in house restaurant for their lunch of aged steak with gratin potatoes and haricot verts with slivered almonds in scented lemon sauce.
The real issue is the management... they are out of touch and just don't care. They sit at a desk all day trimming costs then leave with the pockets full of cash from bloated salaries. According to those managers are getting around $87,000 per year. C'mon folks! They're just out of touch!
Maybe if the antiquated management structure is updated Amtrak can realize better profits that accompany better service. Yup, I know... first lets get vaccinated and back to normal... but I'm hoping the new normal for Amtrak is a robust and successful rail system! Remember? After WWII America rebuilt with the interstate system. Now it's time to rebuild America with an up to date rail system!
That's not a solution. The solution is to have upper management who WANT to take the train, anonymously if possible, so they can see the effects of their decisions both positive and negative and adjust those decisions to better the results. Those that don't want to do that should be sent on a one-way coach air trip as the only retirement benefit.Amtrak travel is free for employees. What if there was a requirement, at least for certain employees, of a certain number of trips or miles per year?
... let's keep our fingers crossed that 'Amtrak Joe' will instill a culture of optimism, priority, and dedication at Amtrak management, and that Congress will get behind a true expansion of our national rail network with very needed funding!That's not a solution. The solution is to have upper management who WANT to take the train, anonymously if possible, so they can see the effects of their decisions both positive and negative and adjust those decisions to better the results. Those that don't want to do that should be sent on a one-way coach air trip as the only retirement benefit.
Agreed... and most certainly an issue. But there are sometimes solutions... and sometimes not. Possibilities for tax incentives and government contracts for host railroads... or, etc. What is so difficult regarding expanded rail is that land is already taken and very expensive... and in our free democracy there are legal rights and respect to those land owners. The CALI HS project is testament to that. And it is understood that China's HS dominance is made possible by eminent domain tactics that would never be acceptable here.It's all fine and good to say more routes should be added and more frequent trains should run. Even if the money/funding is made available for the additional equipment and personnel and quality services - if the host railroads don't grant more access to their tracks ... what good does the funding do?
More is needed than just funding.
.... What is so difficult regarding expanded rail is that land is already taken and very expensive... and in our free democracy there are legal rights and respect to those land owners. The CALI HS project is testament to that. And it is understood that China's HS dominance is made possible by eminent domain tactics that would never be acceptable here.
Then there is land purchase possibilities, bridge over croplands, trails back to rails, etc. as possibilities. It remains to be seen; but for every problem there's a solution... and perhaps some innovative idea that has not yet been thought of... as Einstein said... "Imagination is more important than knowledge."...
Right on! And... as the US gets more populous; urban centers more crowded; as cars clog the atmosphere with pollution, and as energy resources become more and more an issue... rail travel alternatives will emerge as an important solution... and get priority. Freight lines are already bragging about how these issues have made them more important. Innovation has always been the spirit of America... and rail travel is where it's at!This is why it's so critically important that Amtrak not lose ANY of its existing routes. Rebuilding even the skeletal network we've got, if pieces of it are abandoned, would be somewhere between insanely difficult and impossible.
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had the same idea as you... it's all about dedication and determination... and a leader with positive vision. Some government agencies work better than others... but it is certainly possible that with an Amtrak positive president and new secretary of transport - there can be a bright light for Amtrak.The focus for Amtrak for the future has to come from the very top person. That person affects everyone’s attitude below them. That person also established the corporation’s goals and directives for the year. Amtrak needs at the helm someone who loves railroading, especially passenger rail, and who has a growth vision for today, tomorrow, and the future. Does Amtrak have that person in place now? Questionable. So in January 2021, will the BOD get their directives that Amtrak is here to stay, but not just stay, but to begin the process of rebuilding the network to what is was. Now for the management team, everything must be prioritized and categorized. Like getting back daily service is very short term, but re-establishing the Dining Car service may be a longer short term due to Covid and locating the necessary staff and supply lines. Medium term would be the design, bid, and order of new long distance equipment. Long term would be network growth. Excite the staff from the top managers down to the lowest level. Make them proud of the company they work for. Reward those individuals who put forth the extra effort and have the most positive attitudes. Make every team goal oriented by setting reachable and positive goals, then reward those teams. Next make the goals a little tougher but reachable. In the end people are excited about what they are doing, exuding that to all those around them, especially passengers, Amtrak Guests.
Without this happening in 2021, nothing changes, it just gets worse and worse, until the company reaches a point of no return.
Has that ever happened? Any attempt to take away existing green space usually meets extreme local opposition.trails back to rails
Actually it did in Michigan where a mining company needed the right of way... or something like that. And older rails trails may be to winding etc. however there may be a case for a reconversion in an urban area... a corridor that is needed for rapid transit to pull some of the pollution causing autos off the 'parking lot' freeways. Green space is important and there may be a time when the rail and the trail can coexist side by side with a fence for separation and safety. Let's face it... urban areas are getting choked and there needs to be some give and take.Has that ever happened? Any attempt to take away existing green space usually meets extreme local opposition.
and a leader with positive vision.
Er... um... we need a leader with vision and strength... who takes the reins and moves us in the direction which is good for passenger service, the environment, the economy, and the country. We need a visionary leader who answers to a calling that is good for all of us.Like Moorman? Or Boardman?
We need a leader with a vision and what we have is a manager with a calculator.
That's the case in a lot of big cities. Until you've lived in one where a studio condo starts at $600K and a single family home is out of reach for all but couples making a combined income of $200K, $87,000 sounds like a lot of money.
Getting a feeling that this discussion is derailing... let's stay on track and focus on Amtrak service that is appreciative and passenger friendly. To reiterate... most don't expect much to happen until the pandemic is behind us and the country is on its feet. At that point we can only hope full passenger service will be reinstated and expanded. And let's fix the food problem with fare thats fresh, healthy, and tasty...
Complaining about flex fare both on eastern and western routes is justifiable... and needs to be changed. All Amtrak funding needs to be increased because rail travel is environmentally friendly and is a national asset. If the government of Morocco can implement high speed rail travel that puts Acela to shame... yup... let's get back on track!
As someone who lives in another high cost state, MA, I feel like your response misses the point. Even a 300-400K home is “just” affordable for an income of 87K; that salary is not considered anything above middle class in most of the northeast corridor. One is hardly a corporate fat cat with that income.Where are these $600k studios? Not NYC unless possibly in the newest and most luxurious building -- but I don't think they build efficiencies in such buildings. I' ve looked at lots of studio apartments in Manhattan for half the price you quote and some 1 BR units for under $400,000. Incidentally, prices have come down. Maybe your price is for SF or Hawaii?
As for the meals, there must be something more appealing, more healthy, and can be served according to Covid health regulations.
all I know is Amtrak is heavily promoting its services on social media... either this has greatly increased, or it has been like that for a while and I am just now noticing....
If this is a new effort, that says to me that they are trying to advertise to a different demographic than they have done so.
I'm not particularly enamored with Home Depot (they sell lots of "lowest quality stuff at cheapest possible prices"), but my niece works at their corporate headquarters in Atlanta. She is a recent grad of Georgia Tech and does mathematical modelling and economic projections for them, and is required to work 2 weeks each year on the floor in one of their stores. I think this is a really good policy for keeping the management employees grounded in the real world. Maybe if the top-level management had to serve a week or two each year as an SCA or LSA or behind a ticket counter... There might be union problems with this, but I think the unions might agree if they thought it would make management more sympathetic to labor issues.That's not a solution. The solution is to have upper management who WANT to take the train, anonymously if possible, so they can see the effects of their decisions both positive and negative and adjust those decisions to better the results. Those that don't want to do that should be sent on a one-way coach air trip as the only retirement benefit.