Will staff heat up my personal food on board?

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On a NON related subject... what are the circuit breakers rated for in the roomettes??

Why not start another thread instead of going off on a tangent?

Sorry.. I was trying to make a joke.. like since they wont heat up my food.. could I bring my own microwave and heat things up, just didn't know if I would trip the breaker or not. I emphasized the NON to make people thing I wasn't going to bring a device to heat up food. Bad joke... sorry.

On a NON related subject... what are the circuit breakers rated for in the roomettes??

Why not start another thread instead of going off on a tangent?

Sorry.. I was trying to make a joke.. like since they wont heat up my food.. could I bring my own microwave and heat things up, just didn't know if I would trip the breaker or not. I emphasized the NON to make people thing I wasn't going to bring a device to heat up food. Bad joke... sorry.

Sorry. Maybe call our attention to it at the time with something like <humor on> ..... <humor off>.

Maybe it's just me, but I really wasn't impressed with their French Dip!!! It might have been the extra thin sliced beef ???

(Almost feel like a traitor!!! :eek: )
Heresy! Get out the torches and the rope!

Try the Lamb, lots of us think its better than the Beef and the Breakfasts are really good even if coffee is now 45 cents instead of 9 cents like originally!
That's Funny, but I'm just being serious. Then again, what does a Southern Boy know about French Dips, much less Au Jus?
Nope they won't. On my 4th of July trip on the San Joaquin, some woman pleaded and begged and the answer in the cafe was still a big "NO." BTW, the line was moving slowly already and watching this woman beg for 3 min just seemed to piss people off waiting in the line or eyes were rolling. It was like buy something and get the F* out of the way already.
I do not see how a sandwich from Philippe can last more than an hour outside the shop! If I had to carry one around, I'd be growling and foaming at it and have it eaten within the hour. And on the serious side, all that juice will make it go ultra-soggy in short order.

The farthest I have ever gotten one out of the shop is over to Traxx at Union Station :)
You‘re a glutton! :p I've made it all the way to the courtyard seats! :D
And you managed to save one for me.

Mahalo and Aloha
To be clear, heating and cooling are handled the same: The attendant may provide ice for cooling, or hot water for heating. No food OR MEDICINE from outside may be put in an Amtrak refrigerator, freezer, oven, microwave, or other food preparation/storage device. Amtrak did not originate this rule. It came as a directive from the U. S. Food & Drug Administration, which monitors and inspects all Amtrak food service operations. Since Amtrak is an interstate operation, the various State health departments do not inspect Amtrak facilities, as far as I know.

I once had a friend who was a State restaurant inspector. When I told him about the rules we had to follow on the train, and the rigorous inspections, he told me he could never enforce such stringent rules in his State. He always concentrated on the areas that were most likely to produce food-borne illness, and tried to spend as much time and effort as possible trying to educate the food service staff in the restaurants in his territory.
I wonder how they handle people who have medicine which needs to be refrigerated?? Just provide ice??

That's correct. If an attendant refuses to put your medicine in the refrigerator, (s)he is simply following the rules, and is not doing it to give you a hard time. F.D.A. regulations say the O.B.S. staff may provide ice, but that's all. If any employee does put the medicine in the refrigerator, or has done it, they could get in trouble for it. I would suggest carrying insulin & similar medicines in a very well insulated container and making sure the ice is at an adequate level at all times. Ice can be provided.

If I buy a soup and sandwich at the airport, will the First Class cabin crew stop their service and warm up my soup for me ? I am in Coach, but there are no ovens in the back ...
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Why should any service attendant heat up passeengers food? Its not their job. These are no longer the days of coffee, tea or me. Maybe buy your food already hot. Heating personal food is against all regulations.
Seemed like a reasonable question to me. At least reasonable enough that it deserved not to be made fun of. I don't think it's that much different than asking if they provide ice which apparently they do. A reasonable question deserves a polite response which most, but not all, have been.

I believe I've read in the fine print in the back of the Amtrak timetable that, while they can provide ice to keep medications cool, they recommend giving advance notice of the need...especially in Coach.
I'm traveling by car. Will the local McDonald's heat up the food I bring in?
My father isn't afraid to ask these questions. Actually - once he brough a small soft-sided cooler into a McDonald's and asked if they'll fill it up with ice. They actually did.

Once I just finished buying a small cooler and some beer at a WM. My intent was to make it to Caltrain where I could consume it at will. I had something to eat at the McD inside the store and asked if I might get a *cup* of ice. I was told it was self serve and knock myself out.

However, providing ice and heating up outside food are two different things. I'm wondering what kind of legal perils there might be if someone went into a 7-11, used the oven for something they bought there, then stuffed their outside food in the microwave.
I didn't say it was the best part. In fact, making fun of new posters is one of the worst parts of this forum, deferring only to Anderson's excessive reorganization of topics, ostensibly to keep them "on point" but in fact always kills them, and general moderators messing up the banter and Jewish Debates (arguments) going on between long term posters. Sure, there are posters who have been here forever and have all kinds of inside jokes and grudges and duke it out together, and thats part of what makes this place fun.

But the fact that people can be jerks to new people asking real questions without the moderators and admins weighing in, well thats bad. Trolls are one thing, but this was a legit question and should have been addressed as such, plain and simple.
I wasn't trying to make fun of the original poster. He did have a legitimate question and it was answered by the first poster. I was trying to have some fun with the endless debates on AU that arise from simple questions.
I wasn't trying to make fun of the original poster. He did have a legitimate question and it was answered by the first poster. I was trying to have some fun with the endless debates on AU that arise from simple questions.
The OP's question was also answered clearly by the second, third, fourth.. responders,and further explained by several more later followup posters when the topic drifted to "why" .

Can't see the OP responding - but my eyesights not that good these days.

What I see, is mostly, and I hope it stays that way, is the first-time posters, and their follow-ups get reasoned and helpful responses - even if the original questions seem rude, or ignorant, or whatever.

Sometimes some old-timers, or specialists (remember that guest with the canned question -- "how does this affect the "xxx-project" posted to every remotely-related thread - probably writing a thesis and looking for any clue)

The potential for misunderstanding is always there too, but the this particular case, the OP seemed safisfied with the plain answer up front. And not offended by the banter and illogical analogies way way downthread.

Sometimes, I like to follow where diverted threads lead. Sometimes not. But there is value there (sometimes) in the banter for many longer-time readers this forum.
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