Wolverine/Hiawatha sharing consist??

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Lead Service Attendant
Jun 6, 2016
Minneapolis, MN
My screensaver is a picture of the Wolverine in the winter, and it has a F40PH cabbage car behind the lead locomotive, and the Wolverine offers no checked baggage, and a cab car is not needed because there is an engine on each end, but the Hiawatha offers checked baggage, and also runs with 4-5 Horizon cars, an Amfleet café/business car, an engine, and a cabbage car on the other end. Was this the result of Amtrak's lack of funding, leading to a shortage of all types of motive power and rolling stock. (no copyright infringement intended)

Moderator edit: photo removed because staff was unsure whether poster had permission to post photo and was unsure what the phrase "no copyright infringement intended." If poster has permission to post photo or if he is the photographer, staff invites him to repost.
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Are you sure that is the Wolverine? It looks like the Hiawatha to me at Milepost 28.5 --- about 4 miles south of Rondout or about 3 miles north of Deerfield. Going through Lake Forest, IL.
Hmm, you could be right, I assumed because of the loco at each end, but I guess in the winter they may run two engines, but when it was 10 degrees F, there was one engine, a P42DC, and a cabbage car on my CHI-MKE Hiawatha. (January this year)
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The Wolverine runs with two locomotives year-round, not just during the winter.
I didn't get a chance to see the photo before it was removed.

But I'll just note that the Hiawatha runs with 6 coaches (usually mostly Horizons, sometimes a few Amfleets), no BC/cafe car, locomotive on the north/west/Milwaukee end, and cabbage on the south/east/Chicago end (except for a handful of times usually during major cold snaps when Amtrak has scrambled to cobble together other equipment).

EDIT: I'd also add that it's a bit difficult for the Hiawatha to share a trainset with another service under normal circumstances, as it typically turns in CHI/MKE in as little as 30 minutes to head back out.
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When I read the title of this thread, I was reminded of the period in the early seventies when they actually ran thru trains from Milwaukee to both Detroit and St. Louis...initially with Heritage equipment, and later with RTG Turboliner's.

They utilized the thru track at CUS...
When was the photo taken? The Wolveriene used to offer checked baggage, but it was many moons ago. There was also a period of time after which they operated with cabbage but didn't use the baggage portion.

I believe that there is still a cabbage floating around that has ITCS installed and is used occasionally as a backup when they can't get one of the ITCS P42s or B32s.


PS oh, Aa cabbage also would be used if there is any Amtrak Express shipping on the train.
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