I would like to jump off of where IndyLions post about what you would do if you were put in charge of Amtrak. Instead of focusing on what you would do with the long distance trains, I want to focus on what you would do for corridor services. This is also attempting to define what the "huge expansion in corridor service" is. I hope its alright to start a thread jumping off another one.
So here are the ground rules:
The same premise of the post this is jumping off of also applies. So the Mica and 750 mile rules have also been overturned and you have a 5 year transition period until new equipment is coming in.
New corridor services are broken into 2 categories, Interstate Corridors and State Corridors. Interstate Corridors will be given a $2.5 billion annual subsidy and the State Corridors will be given a $10 billion annual subsidy divided between the states by population. I attached a spreadsheet of the funding broken up between the states (Hopefully)
You have, through your silver tongue, gotten Amtrak a massive capital infusion on the level of a new Interstate Highway Project ($300 billion). $100 billion for State Corridors divided proportionally, $100 billion for Interstate Corridors (divided how you want), $100 billion for equipment. Assuming the estimated cost of 1 new engine is $12 million, 1 new car is $3 million and 1 rehabbed mile of double track is $2.5 million. Let’s just for the sake of the thought experiment assume in the negotiations, the Northeastern states have gotten their own supplemental funding package so the Interstate funds can’t be used on the NEC.
The rules for what is an Interstate Corridor are 1) The Corridor connects two primary cities in an MSA and serves 3 states in between or 2) Connects two MSAs at least 500 miles apart (with a 50 mile tolerance) and crosses a state line. Proposed corridors that presently lack Amtrak train service get first priority. The base level of service is 2 trains per day (Overnight trains count) and the end to end run time can’t exceed 24 hours after any track work you propose, within reason so no tunneling under a city or through a mountain.
For the State Corridors, if a state decides to not cooperate with you, Amtrak would then be allowed to plan and run its own instate services.
So have fun, describe a nationwide system or routes where you live.
Ok I'm going to have some fun here. I'm going to break this down by region. However this is going to be a bit messy as I'm going to interline corridors with each other. This will end up being multiple posts. This is the Atlanta based trains.
Southeast Atlanta Hub
~Charlotte to Atlanta via Greenville as an extension of the Piedmont. Using the existing Piedmont rolling stock. Needs Three Sets for the core. But when you factor in interlining the Raleigh-Charlotte trains you raise it to Five Sets.
-------The First Train would run Charlotte-Atlanta leaving Charlotte at 6 AM arriving around 12 PM. Flip that consist out at 1:00 PM and get to Charlotte about 6 PM and continue onto Raleigh as a different train. I would potentially split all of the runs in Atlanta just to make it easier as a connection than mixing city pairs as one way.
-------Second train departing CLT at 9 AM arriving in ATL at 2 PM. Flip it back at 5 PM arriving in Charlotte at 10 PM where the equipment would sit to become that Birmingham Train.
-------Third Train Departing ATL at 6:00 AM arriving in CLT at 12:00 PM send it on up to Raleigh as the midday Piedmont. With the returning frequency being the evening train out of CLT at 5:00 PM.
~Charlotte to Atlanta via Columbia, Augusta. One Equipment Set
-------The Train would Depart Charlotte at 6:15 AM, DP CLB 8:30, DP AUG 10:30, AR ATL 1:00 PM flip that consist back out back out at 2:00 PM from ATL hitting AUG at 4:30, CLB at 6:30, and CLT at 8:45 PM
~Augusta-Birmingham Corridor via Atlanta. Two Trainsets
------Train 1 would depart AUG at 6:00 AM, AR ATL 8:30, AR BHM 11:30 AM CT. Flip it out at 12:30 PM CT, DP ATL 5:30 PM, AR AUG 8:00 PM
------Train 2 would depart BHM at 6:00 AM CT, DP ATL 11 AM, AR AUG 1:30 PM. Flip it out 3:30 PM, DP ATL 6:00 PM, AR BHM 9:00 PM CT
What I did to get Augusta-Atlanta to three times daily was use the Thru train from Charlotte as a frequency. Don't worry we are getting back to South Carolina's Charlotte-Columbia in a bit.
~Atlanta-Nashville Three Trainsets. This one is a bit sloppy but I'm intending on throwing a Chicago-Florida train in that Evening Slot from Nashville south, and the 6:00 AM slot from Atlanta North. I probably can recycle that set that sits in Nashville for 18 hours by sending it on to Memphis.
-------Train 1 would depart ATL at 12:00 PM, AR NVL at 5:00 PM CT. Turns into the Mid Day Train to Atlanta from NVL the next day
-------Train 2 would depart NVL at 6:00 AM CT, AR ATL 1:00 PM. Flip it out of ATL at 6:00 PM, AR NVL at 10 PM CT
-------Train 3 would depart from NVL at 12:00 PM AR CT ATL 7:00 PM
~Montgomery-Knoxville via Atlanta Thru Train One Set
------Train would depart MGY at 6:00 AM CT, DP ATL 10:30, AR KNX 3:30 PM. Flip it out at 4:30 PM, DP ATL 9:30 PM, AR MGY at 12:00 AM CT
~Montgomery-Atlanta Two Trainsets. This uses that Thru train as an additional frequency.
------Train 1 would depart MGY at 10:00 AM CT, AR ATL 2:30 PM. Flip that train at 5:30 PM, AR MGY 8:00 PM CT
------Train 2 would depart ATL at 10:00 AM, AR MGY 12:30 PM CT. Flip that Train at 5:30 PM AR ATL 10:00 PM
~Atlanta-Knoxville Two trainsets. This still uses the thru train as an additional frequency.
------Train 1 would depart ATL at 6:00 AM, AR KNX 11:00 AM. Flip it out at 12:00 PM AR ATL 5:00 PM
------Train 2 would depart KNX at 6:00 AM AR ATL 11:00 AM. Flip it out at 5:00 PM AR KNX at 10:00 PM
~Atlanta-New Orleans via Montgomery, Mobile. Two Trainsets
----Train 1 would depart ATL at 6:00 AM, DP MGY 8:30 AM CT, DP MOB 12:30 PM, AR NOL 3:30 PM
----Train 2 would depart NOL at 6:00 AM, DP MOB 9:00 AM, DP MGY 1:00 PM, AR ATL 5:30 PM
~New Orleans-Mobile Two Trainsets with five frequencies between MOB-NOL when you add the Thru Train in.
-----Train 1A Would Depart NOL 9:00 AM, AR MOB 12:00 PM. Flip out at 1:00 PM AR NOL 4:00 PM.
-----Train 1B Would Depart NOL at 5:00 PM AR MOB 8:00 PM. Flip out at 9 PM AR NOL 12:00 AM
-----Train 2A Would Depart MOB at 6:00 AM, AR NOL 9:00 AM. Flip out at 12:00 PM AR MOB 3:00 PM
-----Train 2B Would Depart MOB at 4:00 PM, AR NOL 7:00 PM. Flip Out at 8:00 PM AR MOB 11:00 PM
Factor that each consist has Four Coaches, A Cafe, and a Business Class car. You are looking at 18 Sets of Equipment. Total Equipment cost in this scenario is 324M for the Cars, and 96 M for locomotives. That isn't counting spares however.