What does your Forum User Name mean?

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The Misty part of my name is partially a reference to the Pokemon anime, and partially to the fact that I was involved in an IRC based RPG with some people at my former high school and there was a period where we called each other by our character names all the time.

The OLR stands for Orange Lounge Radio, an Internet radio show turned podcast that talks about video game news that I've been listening to since April of 2004.
At the risk of going too far back for the background:
At school at IUB, I spent my whole time there in Foster International, a special dorm where in-state students are (randomly) paired with exchange students. During those four years, I had a Danish roommate, a Finn, two Indians (one of them born and raised in Okinawa, Japan), and finally four Koreans in a row. It was not long after the first of these Korean roommates showed up that I was hooked on everything Korean. I learned to speak it (a little rusty now, but I was good in my day), going to Korean restaurants, Korean karaoke bars (and singing in Korean!), being the only non-Korean at parties, essentially becoming (in the words of some of my friends) an honorary Korean. :)

It was coming up on my birthday, and several of these friends asked what I wanted. 'A Korean name,' I said. So they went away and came back with 'ChulJin', a valid, if uncommon, Korean given name. Like the way-vast majority of Korean names, it's actually Sino-Korean (i.e. borrowed from Chinese), and, for the curious or those who know Korean, Japanese, or Chinese, the characters are:

Chul and Jin mean, respectively, 'iron or steel' and 'truth'. I didn't know it at the time, but coincidentally, and apropos here, Chul is also in many compound words having to do with railroads. :) (q.v. by clicking the first character).

It's since become the handle/screenname/username/etc. I use everywhere online. At least one result on each of the first few pages of googling 'chuljin' is me. (#9, at least when I searched it just now, is my youtube channel with a few amtrak videos).
Do you like to eat Kim Chi and Bulgogi too??
That is powerful stuff!! I worked in Seoul for a while and Kim Chi really cleaned out your internal plumbing!!!
My name Boxcar817 is pretty simple. I grew up in Arlington Tx. near the GM plant. The MP had a big yard about a mile from my house called the B-O-P Yard. stood for Buick, Oldsmobile And Pontiac. We were always hopping trains and riding in boxcars so I chose Boxcar as my handle and 817 is the area code in which I live
The City of Miami was the orange and brown train that ran through my hometown of Columbus GA that I sometimes took to visit my grandparents somewhat near Fulton KY.

I am one of the relatively few people in this forum old enough to understand and appreciate the train you are talking about. Never actually rode it, though. I knew it was a fine train.
Well, I'm a noob here, but I thought I'd chime in on what my name means :)

I'm a big fan of the band Iron Maiden, and I'm 29 years old as of the moment....so, Up the Irons, the rallying cry of the band's fans, and my age, is what I've chosen for my user name here :) How does that relate to trains? Well, they both rock!! :lol:
I suppose my handle is a bit of wishful thinking in some ways...I'm only mildly eccentric. Although I guess for my rural Ohio homebase, I am not your usual neighbor. Hubby and I love to travel and to eat, especially if it's something new to us. If we had the budget for it, we'd make Anthony Bourdain look like a homebody. The ecclectic part is totally me though, I've been blessed to have so many varied experiences for only being 41, and I try to take the very best out of each one and carry it with me. I've been ee on several different travel forums over the years. (With a tip of the hat to ee cummings.)


PS-I'm loving this forum! In just over 24 hours of membership, I've gotten great answers to both questions I've put forth regarding our upcoming trip to New Orleans. I have a feeling this will be like when I joined the cruising forum and wound up obsessed with cruises...I see lots more train travel in my future!
I suppose my handle is a bit of wishful thinking in some ways...I'm only mildly eccentric. Although I guess for my rural Ohio homebase, I am not your usual neighbor. Hubby and I love to travel and to eat, especially if it's something new to us. If we had the budget for it, we'd make Anthony Bourdain look like a homebody. The ecclectic part is totally me though, I've been blessed to have so many varied experiences for only being 41, and I try to take the very best out of each one and carry it with me. I've been ee on several different travel forums over the years. (With a tip of the hat to ee cummings.)ee

PS-I'm loving this forum! In just over 24 hours of membership, I've gotten great answers to both questions I've put forth regarding our upcoming trip to New Orleans. I have a feeling this will be like when I joined the cruising forum and wound up obsessed with cruises...I see lots more train travel in my future!
This topic makes great reading, and shows fascinating imaginations. I've always been jealous of people who could pronounce their initials, either directly or by rearranging. With my four initials, H T E C, it was kinda tough. So why not add the last letter of my first name, HenrY, to come up with something that kinda fit with my retiring from ~45 years developing computer systems. OK, I'll admit that computer engineers ain't the most imaginative folks on the planet, but we tries...... :unsure:
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I have no imagination. I live in Kentucky and I like to ride the train, so KY Rail Rider. I have to travel to another state to enjoy my hobby though, CDL.
I have no imagination. I live in Kentucky and I like to ride the train, so KY Rail Rider. I have to travel to another state to enjoy my hobby though, CDL.
Aloha and Welcome.

I also have to travel to another state to ride the rails more than 2 miles.
WICT106. WICT was the identification abbreviation for the Wisconsin & Calumet Railroad. It was the short line that served Madison and Dane County, WI, during the late 1980s to middle 1990s. The rights to serve Madison and Dane County have since been purchased by the WSOR (Wisconsin & Southern). WICT 106 was a GM F unit, named "Dane County." That is from where I derive my Forum nom de plume.
My last name is Pressley but I am not related to Elvis......



And a shout out to the Kentuckians I've seen posting here - "Go Big Blue"!
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