Dental work in Mexico for US and Canadian citizens is a pretty big thing in some towns at the border. Most of this work seems to be done in big practices that cater specifically to foreign patients--but I don't have any experience with that. I've gone to a solo practitioner in Nogales, who'd been the regular dentist of a friend of ours who used to live in southern AZ. Our dentist's training has been in the US, inlcuding an additional course of training in implants (which was most of the work my husband and I needed). My impression is that (in his case, anyway) the cost savings comes from a) not paying the very high cost of liability insurance for US-based dentists, and b) vastly less office infrastructure and overhead.
If this sounds like a dentist you'd like to consider for yourself, please PM me and I'll send you contact info.
I thnk this has gone far enough off-topic.

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