That beautiful stone Lacolle station is a harbinger of when the US and Canada had a friendly border, not the Turkey/Bulgaria experience it is today on a train. So is the St Jean Sur Richelieu depot on the CN.
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or walk 13 minutes through underground walkways (useful in winter) via the Bell Centre.The looping around St Luc, handing off between CP and CN - it would be much quicker to send the train to Lucien L'Allier and hail a taxi for a few blocks to Gare Central.
I think Central Station is nicer than the new Moynihan NYP. Way nicer as well as far more functional.I remember riding the Napierville route on the Adirondack a couple of times in the '90s when the Victoria Bridge was under repair. From Rouses Point we made it to the island of Montreal in well less than an hour on track that was much smoother than the clunky CN route through St. Jean. But then we went into CP's St. Luc yard and commenced a lengthy maneuver that saw us eventually wind up in Central Station. The part from St. Luc onward more than ate up the time savings from the Napierville routing; still, we proved it was possible to go that way and wind up at Gare Centrale. It might still be quicker overall than taking the St. Jean route in its current condition.
I do think that Gare Centrale is way nicer than pre-Moynihan NYP, and certainly better than Lucien L'Allier as a place to arrive. But perhaps the latter could be improved. On my day trips from northern New York in recent years, I learned that if you get off the train at Lucien L'Allier and bear to the right inside the station, you can go through a set of doors and walk a block-long corridor to wind up in the old Windsor Station concourse, which is still a more impressive public space that the Lucien L'Allier terminal itself. I don't know who controls that space now, but lots of commuters are still walking through it on their way to other destinations.
CN isn't going to do crap unless somebody pays them to do it. They have a little used branch line that serves their purposes with minimal maintenance and they don't need anything more. They won't pay to upgrade a line to 25/30 mph standards themselves when 10 mph works fine for their purposes, and Amtrak cannot force their way onto it since it is in Canada.Here’s what they (CN) should do. Allow the Adirondack to run on the Rouses Point track. First do a “bare minimum” rehabilitation to at least allow for a 25-30 mph operation.
As @Amtrak25 pointed out, Amtrak trains aren't commissaried in Canada. The Cascades to Vancouver were commissaried out of Seattle for a round trip, the Adirondack out of Sunnyside for a round trip, and the Maple Leaf commissaried out of Sunnyside for a round trip to Niagara Falls. VIA provided cafe service Nigara Falls Toronto with its own attendant and stock as from NFS to TWO it is a VIA operation using Amtrak equipment. I'll be looking forward to seeing if VIA still provides that cafe service when I ride again in November. I can see them no longer doing it due to staffing issues everyone seems to having now.I assume EXO has some facility there for cleaning its trains, but none of those trains has food service
Thanks. The Cascades accepted Canadian currency, too, also at Amtrak's exchange rate. All change was given in US currency, though.The Adirondack's cafe is open north of the border, just not when stopped for Customs of a half hour in advance. They accept Canadian currency, but at Amtrak's exchange rate, not XE's. They make announcments that they have to close down around Plattsburgh and St Jean.
Thanks. The Cascades accepted Canadian currency, too, also at Amtrak's exchange rate. All change was given in US currency, though.
I guess I knew that. I just wasn't sure if they had to store that stuff somewhere off the train or if they just left it in the cafe fridges while the train was parked overnight. Apparently the latter.Food service is all Amtrak, stocked out of Sunnyside.
I hope you're right, but I think CN may perceive that killing an ongoing, operating service would be a PR problem that restarting a service that had been gone for well over 2 years might not be.The only hope I see is CN would resume their "goodwill", put it back to 30 MPH since the train was merely suspended, and don't want to be the villains killing the international service
Someone needs to get to the Quebec National Assembly members on this and treat it as an insult to the Francophone community. Then, the members will get with the P.M. and the squeaky wheel gets taken care of. Granted that CN has long since ceased being a "Crown Corporation", but there are still "ways" to get cooperation. I lived in Vermont for 16 years and Montreal was a second home to us. Heck Vermont and Quebec even have reciprocal traffic tickets, violations etc. I know I have paid more than a few Montreal parking violations in my time. Will someone serve the travelling public? New York State is not the problem here obviously.Hence the discussion on the CP and Lucien L'Allier. Hopefully Gardner explains the CN facts of life to Schumer / Gilligrand / Stefonik and the local C of C, that this is Canada, not the US, where Amtrak has few rights.
Someone needs to get to the Quebec National Assembly members on this and treat it as an insult to the Francophone community. Then, the members will get with the P.M. and the squeaky wheel gets taken care of. Granted that CN has long since ceased being a "Crown Corporation", but there are still "ways" to get cooperation. I lived in Vermont for 16 years and Montreal was a second home to us. Heck Vermont and Quebec even have reciprocal traffic tickets, violations etc. I know I have paid more than a few Montreal parking violations in my time. Will someone serve the travelling public? New York State is not the problem here obviously.
Look, Stefanik represents NY-21, the largest district in area in the state and this train runs right through it. I concur with "turning the screws" on CN for OTP for the "City of New Orleans" and the trains to Carbondale. Also, they are going to lose with their delay tactics with the CP/KCS merger. We also have an Ambassador in Ottawa that can bring this up as well.Just speculating - some legal blackmail that could go on behind the scenes - CN says they'll upgrade the tracks if Senator Durbin and Amtrak back off about suing CN about OTP on the IC. Also depends if he doesn’t mind doing favors for Schumer and Gillibrand as much as they all despise Stefonik.
Vermont and New York State do not have reciprocal tickets and violations either.Quebec seems to be pre-occupied with a pre-clearance facility design - AGAIN - a useless effort if they don't fix this.
Reciprocal traffic tickets - New Jersey and Pennsylvania don't even do that. Plattsburgh and Burlington with Montreal are almost like Detroit with Windsor, the two Soo's, or the two Niagara Falls.
As it stands now, the NY Congressional delegation and the North Country Chamber don't seem to know a thing about CN track issues. Of course, they have also ignored the recent scrapping of the Port Kent - Burlington ferries, which Keeseville and Ausable Chasm are not happy about.
I am 300 miles south of this, and I know more than they do.