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  1. M

    Lessons learned on my "maiden voyage"; SM/ES

    Well, good info on that plate. Too bad that it is not something that can easily be used. I do believe that we had a traveler in a wheel chair on our northern run. It sure was nice to be able to use it at least one time on our trip. And it did relieve some of the frustration of trying to...
  2. M

    Lessons learned on my "maiden voyage"; SM/ES

    Awe now you went and hurt my feelings............Sorry about the ramblings.....I AM a newbie ya know!.... Seriously; I was looking for this type of info when I first came on this forum. As a newbie I did not and still do not comprehend some of you more experienced folks lingo, and...
  3. M

    Lessons learned on my "maiden voyage"; SM/ES

    Duct tape and Cokes.....I do understand!
  4. M

    Lessons learned on my "maiden voyage"; SM/ES

    Yes, we apparently missed when the attendant came through to take reservations for dinner; my grand daughter needed the potty. But I have to say, if it weren't for this forum, I wouldn't have had a clue as to anything related to train travel. It's kind of a learn as you go thing. I found it...
  5. M

    Lessons learned on my "maiden voyage"; SM/ES

    Well. First let me say that dispite confusion, delays and "crusty" red caps...I totally and completely enjoyed my first train experience, and look forward to riding the rails once again... Now, I did learn a few things, and still have questions on others, so I'll...
  6. M

    Trip Questions

    Well, again I have to say thanks to all. I do have some lessons learned..and think I will start a new thread for that.... I've had a bit of time today to reflect on the experience, and and still; absolutely loved it! Penny, would have loved to see you yesterday in Orlando, but if you all...
  7. M

    Trip Questions

    Well.....Returned to home turf....All is welll...I loved the trip, dispite the problems with the Empire Service; I guess, act of God....Other delays, perhaps the same, that is why I have to say, it was a wonderful journey....and looking forward to doing it again soon....And I am sure that I will...
  8. M

    Trip Questions

    Hi people! Well, we ended up riding busses from Syracuse to Albany. Apparently contracted these busses last minute, because none of the drivers could let us know anything about the Albany station; when we arrived there, they did not even know where to take us. Very confusing situation. We are...
  9. M

    Trip Questions

    Hi All. Our family reunion was wonderful....all went well, got to see family and a few dear friends. However, today, as I was bragging to those who would listen, about my great adventure, and how I now have a burning desire to do more train trips; I logged onto the amtrack website to find an...
  10. M

    Trip Questions

    Hello everyone....Sorry to be so long in getting the update.... Dispite the few snags; I completely enjoyed the journey north. And yes, the steps were covered at the last stop in Syracuse, making it so much earier to navigate. :) Had a very lovely ride from Penn Station to to...
  11. M

    Trip Questions

    Geez you guys! Lol.... I may be extremely tired, but seemed like steps down within the train itself,and that very scared gap. Really that gap, scared the crap out of me because my hands were not free to help her across. We are pulling out of Rome, NY, now and she just got her little arm...
  12. M

    Trip Questions

    Yeah, I had asked our attendant right after the stop previous to NYP, her looked at me , pulled my bags from the overhead, put them on the empty seat in front of us, and said I should have asked sooner, said he'd see what he could do, never saw him again until I had trouble getting my bags and...
  13. M

    Trip Questions

    Exhausted! Too fearful and tired to stick my nose out of Penn Station, but did get some great NY pizza! Had a problem getting a RedCap initially, but finally got to share one with a very pregnant Mama and small child. Ahhhh, my back! Note to self... Less baggage., More later...
  14. M

    Trip Questions

    Coming into NJ, so far so good will try to post from NYP
  15. M

    Trip Questions

    Just a quick thank you again to Penny, my hero for this day. Tried to post earlier, but since I am new at this , lost two previous attempts. We just left Jesup, Ga a few minutes ago. All is well. The little one is still going strong,and grandma is n need of some zzzzzz. More later...
  16. M

    Trip Questions

    Alllllllllrighty then. Looks like we're ready to hit the tracks! I know there will be little sleeping here tonight. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels . Just can't keep focused on things I need to get done today. HURRY UP TOMORROW! Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Min
  17. M

    Trip Questions

    Getting excited...and thanks for info last night on the "Chat". So, here we are 24 hours prior to.....Am I supposed to call Amtrak for any reason? I did check for changes etc., and saw that there may or might have been some delays heading north...but I think that was for yesterday.......Any...