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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. R

    Amtrak in Wyoming

    Cheyenne is not far from Denver.
  2. R

    Amtrak reroutes

    Tracks need to exist. Let's keep this somewhat realistic.
  3. R

    Amtrak reroutes

    Not expansions, or cuts, just reroutes Capitol Limited to Youngstown Sunset Limited to Phoenix
  4. R

    Amtrak in Wyoming

    Could commuter rail ever reach Wyoming?
  5. R

    Baltimore to Chicago?

    I am fully aware of that, I was just making a sarcastic comment.
  6. R

    Baltimore to Chicago?

    I need the Empire Builder to go to Boston. Chicago Union station is terrible and it's no fair that Whitefish gets a one seat ride to Seattle but Boston does not.
  7. R

    Amtrak in Wyoming

    Will Amtrak ever be back to Wyoming? If so, how?
  8. R

    Discussing Silver Star/Silver Meteor Schedules

    How about instead of Columbia, Augusta and Savannah, it goes via Atlanta and Macon?
  9. R

    Pioneer Discussion

    Trains could go via Binghamton to Scranton.
  10. R

    Oklahoma City - South Texas Corridor

    I would love this, but would rather see Dallas to Houston first.
  11. R

    A proposal to restructure Amtrak

    In your proposal, Houston, New Orleans, and Dallas lose service, as well as the states of North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, and New Mexico. This is so bad that you might as well have been drawing routes from a hat.
  12. R

    Boston Considers Downeaster Link To South Station, East Coast Corridor

    Maine to New York trains could go via Lowell, Ayer, and Worcester.
  13. R

    Pioneer and Desert Wind

    Pioneer is not much different from NCH. You get Wyoming and almost all of the major cities in Idaho. You also get a second CHI-DEN frequency.
  14. R

    Largest Metros Without Amtrak Service (How to Serve Them?)

    I'm going to take a stab at this Las Vegas-Desert Wind Columbus-3C service or a revived National Limited Nashville-bring back the Floridan Louisville-same as above Tulsa-extended the Heartland Flyer Knoxville-new Floridan via Cincinnati Allentown-service from New York to Harrisburg via...
  15. R

    If you had to cut an Amtrak route, which one would you cut?

    The Auto Train is very profitable though. I chose the Illini because even if it was canceled, the corridor would still have 2 a day service.
  16. R

    Southwest Chief reroute via Wichita and Amarillo?

    Caprock chief. Heartland Flyer to Newton. Problem solved.