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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. N

    Depot Dining Cars?

    There's a restaurant in Ithaca, NY that uses dining cars, I don't remember the actual origins but wouldn't be suprised if they were old Milwaukee Road equipment, as supplimental or selected dining options.
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    Sleeping car prices and on-board upgrades

    Thanks Sunchaser, I agree with your list and would add that SCA's, those that really perform, add a great deal to a positive experience when riding in sleepers. Last weekend on the LSL he was the person keeping us informed on the reasons for our delay-tornedo and saw to it that my needs were...
  3. N

    Tornado scare on last night of 10day/5 train trip

    I was on Train 48 from Chicago passing through northern Ohio and Indiana during this period (Saturday night-Sunday morning). There was a tremendous amount of lightening (it was a fabulous show) and during the night the train stopped for about an hour due to, what was rumoured to be, a tornado...
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    Philadelphia 2010

    Hello Ryan. I'd sure be interested in those Philly tickets since I don't seem to be able to make reservations on line. How would we make the exhange if they're still available?
  5. N

    Questions on viweing scenery from LD trains

    On my trip the PPC was open at boarding. When I left our bedroom and went to take a picture there were people staking out seats so the earlier the better. If I remember correctly going northbound the inital views were on the left side of the train, ocean. Once we got to the mountains the...
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    Parade magazine

    I agree that any positive publicity for Amtrak is a good thing. I don't see how the author could have missed the Empire Builder as one of the most scenic trains though.
  7. N

    Amtrak Website

    Hi, Just tried the site and it's working for me.
  8. N

    Lakeshore Limited Meals

    Thanks for the update.
  9. N

    Lakeshore Limited Meals

    Thank you-I can't wait. Love to ride trains.
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    National Train Day 2010 Plans

    In 2008 I rode to DC to attend train day. Great displays of varnish and motive power along with vendors, etc., well worth the trip from TRE. Last year I attended the event in Philly and was very disappointed with the limited displays, vendors, etc. Unless Philly really steps up its offering...
  11. N

    Lakeshore Limited Meals

    I've booked a roomette on the Lakeshore Limited from Chicago to New York in June. Can anyone tell what meals are served on that run? As always I appreciate the assistance folks on this board provide and advently read the topics daily. Happy training.
  12. N

    New interactive pictures of refurbished Superliner I

    Thanks, these are great pictures and make me want to schedule my next trip as soon as possible.
  13. N

    Overcrowding at CUS

    I've often wondered why when the train is in the station there continues to be a 'line-up' at some Amtrak stations. What are they doing on the train that has pulled in from the yard while the passengers wait? It's my experience that the line-ups occur in Boston, Washington, Chicago, New York...
  14. N

    Iphone Software

    I'm sorry for having to bring up a topic already covered in forum but quite recently there was a response posted listing software that would help in managing Amtrak as well as airtravel. The writer named products that were useful for the Iphone and on the computer. I can't seem to find it...
  15. N

    Proposed LA-NY Train in 2000

    Having just ridden the Cardinal and being involved for a couple of weeks trying to get sleeper accommodations on the tri-weekly run I'd certainly nominate the Cardinal for an upgrade, i.e., another sleeper and a real diner. With a little tweaking of the schedule, for scenic purposes, that train...
  16. N

    Day trip on the Coast Starlight - questions

    You might want to try the Amrak store at They do have t-shirts but not specifically Coast Starlight t's. There is a Starlight pen however. Have a great trip, Amtraking is addictive.
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    Trip Report

  18. N

    Trip Report

    Hello. I've been a lurker on the forum for quite awhile. I enjoy riding trains and have really appreciated all of the insight participants provide. I just noticed mention of trip reports and I assume there is a location, which I can't find, to post them. How do I get to the appropriate place...
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    Views From the Cardinal

    Thank you.
  20. N

    Views From the Cardinal

    Thank you Alan