I think the bedroom prices are high. My December 2021 cross country trip is way more expensive (in points) than my December 2019 trip. Part of the increase is that in 2021, I will be traveling in bedrooms on the Silver Meteor, whereas I traveled in roomettes in 2019. However, in 2021, I will be in a roomette on the Lakeshore Limited going to CHI, whereas I was in a bedroom on the CL in 2019. In 2019, I took the CZ west and EB east. In 2021, I will take the SWC west and CZ east.
Since I want to travel in 2021, have enough points and am not convinced the fares will go down anytime soon (if ever), I bit the bullet and booked the December 2021 trip.
The demand is higher for travel. It appears that the demand for sleepers has skyrocketed, especially bedrooms with private restrooms. The supply on many trains seems to be down.
One does not need to be wealthy to travel in a sleeper - it just has to be a priority in that person's life.