Kindly allow this additional tiny bit of personal opinion:
I asked this simply because I didn't know. Also asked out of idle curiosity as so many seemed to be getting their panties all in a wad over the elimination of the included hot meals for sleeper pax.
Sorry for asking.
It came from nowhere because of a lack of good reading comprehension. By either failing to grasp the full meaning of what was written or, conversely, by reading too much into what was written. All the café car stuff began about 30 posts and 24 hours ago when I simply asked if passengers would have access to warm options for breakfast and dinner on the CL after 1 June 2018 at the SSL snack bar from the Amtrak National Café Menu.Nowhere. That's my point.Can someone please explain to me where the idea that the cafe car is getting changed or eliminated came from?
I asked this simply because I didn't know. Also asked out of idle curiosity as so many seemed to be getting their panties all in a wad over the elimination of the included hot meals for sleeper pax.
Sorry for asking.

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