That arbitrary 2:19 to 2:20 divide in service, has the skeptic side of me wondering if that has any influence on the published flight time, if it is 'close'.....Hey UA is not the best we know that [emoji57] It is just that I have not noticed any change as recently as yesterday on the flights I take in F. Does not mean that that the entire world elsewhere has not changed completely. Perhaps I should not have mentioned September and I apologize. That is when I last recall noticing a change. I really don’t spend too much time seriously keeping track of overall food service on United or on Amtrak for that matter. Occasionally I ask the crew about some oddity if it catches my fancy. That is how I learned about the 2:20 oddity. I just occasionally share info on what I happened to be served. [emoji851]

Probably not...but still, I could see the bean counter's looking to shave some costs that way...