Yes. The Chief has always been a same day turn in LAX.
Actually one of the issues with diverting it via Pueblo is that it would make the same day turn in LAX unreliable given the possible reduction in schedule reliability and shorter time to turn in LAX. That would lead to the need for an additional consist, which of course is hard to come by.
That's why I asked the question. We had figured that out some years ago.
Running via Walsenburg at former
Texas Zephyr speeds adds about an hour in each direction. That would permit abandoning the segment through the Army training area, so there's a saving, but not as much as the cost of a train-set of Superliners. Alternatively, switching a Front Range section at La Junta at typical Amtrak times adds about 45-50 minutes in each direction.
There are some other solutions that do not slow down Trains 3/4 but each has its own problems. The Santa Fe's last service in 1971 was a separate LAJ<>DEN coach train. Another alternative,
if Trains 1/2 and'/or 21/22 came into LAX daily, would be to interline the trains, so that Train 1 would become 4 and 3 would become 2. There are some weirder alternatives but I daren't suggest them for fear they would be implemented.
The marketing trade-off for the extra time via Walsenburg is an hour more of the Rocky Mountain scenery and adding about 170,000 population. The marketing value of LAJ<>COS access is that it adds about 600,000 population on line and more within bus or family car distance.
Getting back to the
Empire Builder turns. My original paper on the Portland/California section described a route via the UP from Portland to Villard Junction and then on the BN to Pasco. I was biased toward the Oregon side due to working for ODOT but that would have added about 45 minutes in each direction. At the time, the connecting
Coast Starlight ran via the faster west side of the Sacramento Valley. Thankfully, when Amtrak picked up the idea and realized that it would generate passenger miles by connecting California with Glacier Park, the Twin Cities, etc. they put it on the North Bank line. When the Starlight was shifted to the East Side Sacramento Valley line the extra time cut into the Train 14 to Train 28 connection and running Train 28 on the Oregon side would have caused more misconnects.
Also, thankfully, they didn't take my suggestion of a through sleeper LAX<>MSP. It would have saved two Superliner sleepers but the 14 to 28 connection would have created problems.
For those new at this I hope that this discussion offers a glimpse of why schedule adherence has even more consequences and costs than the personal problems we experience as customers.