Name That Station!

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Good guess Dick. Milwaukee it is. Photo taken yesterday with Amtrakblue by my side.
OK, here is another easy photo to identify.


Who will be the first to correctly name this active Amtrak Station??
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That's beautiful. Is it still in use? It looks like it needs some work, but it's gorgeous nonetheless.
Anyone have any actual guesses?

Swadian I will answer your question when someone has finally guessed the station, answering it before then would completely give the answer away.
Looks like early morning sun coming in.

Maybe a station where the train normally stops only during the wee hours....... and maybe the morning train was running late and has just come and gone?
Id post more photos but I'm on my iPhone. No ones even close, the station has at least 6 trains per day in each direction although the station house is only open for one weekday shift and not nearly all departures.
OK, let's try this station that has more than one train a day.

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