Name That Station!

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Is that actually Dave's backyard or is this another inside joke?
Based on the grass and trees, I'd say it's more of an outside joke.

Well played, Mr. Railbuck. Well played indeed.
Just to get things rolling again, here is an interior photo........with clues. The station is still active..... the ticket office has been redone since this photo was taken in the early 1980's.

Can anyone name this station?

Wow... Old Amtrak logo, shorts from the late 70s/early 80s, and a cigarette vending machine!
Look at the Arrivals/Departures board, it says 19 CRESCENT 20 CRESCENT. And it's got a Southern Railway picture on top.
Excellent observations, and correct. At the time, there were several large prints of various Southern Railway scenes hanging on the inside walls of the station. There was also a small outdoor garden area on the east side of the station featuing a large copper statue of Samuel Spencer, 1st President of the Southern Railway System.
Sorry to have not been on earlier........ very busy morning. I thought that someone would quickly get the Southern Railway hint but had hoped that we might get some guesses like Greensboro, NC first.

RampWidget is correct. This is Atlanta Peachtree Station shortly after Amtrak assumed control of the Southern Crescent. While I said early 1980's this may have been as early as August 1979.

It's your turn to post a photo RW.
Sorry to have not been on earlier........ very busy morning. I thought that someone would quickly get the Southern Railway hint but had hoped that we might get some guesses like Greensboro, NC first.

RampWidget is correct. This is Atlanta Peachtree Station shortly after Amtrak assumed control of the Southern Crescent. While I said early 1980's this may have been as early as August 1979.

It's your turn to post a photo RW.
That one hit me like a lightning bolt... I grew up in Atlanta and used to live a short distance from the station. Would have known that ticket window anywhere! A bit of history - while its official name is Peachtree Station, the locals refer to it as Brookwood Station because of its proximity to the then-suburban Brookwood Hills neighborhood diagonally northwest of the station location.

Anyway, here's the next one:

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David, I figured that only someone that was from Jackson or had entrained/detrained there would be able to get that one, which, as you correctly guessed, is the nicely renovated Jackson, Miss. station.

I only was able to get that photo becuse I had detrained there myself last month. Flight connections from #59 are easier from JAN because you can make them same-day vs. having to usually spend the night in Nola to catch a flight out of MSY.

Looks like its your turn again!
RampWidget - EXACTLY regarding Jackson! I needed to come off the train and fly back to North Carolina same day. I've done that from Memphis before but wanted to be on the train long enough to have breakfast this time. Trying to get a same day flight from NOLA was pricier and dicier. As it was, I managed a non-stop flight (and I do prefer non-stop flights) to Charlotte leaving Jackson around 4pm.

Out of curiousity, did you take a taxi from Amtrak to the airport and do you recall your cab fare? Mine was a shade over $40 before tip which was maybe $5 more than I had hoped for.

I'll see if I can find a station photo to post shortly. I've not given any thought yet to what I want to do next.
OK - a disclaimer first - I'm in my office and only have access to my older slides here....... newer photos are in areas of the 'cloud' which are firewalled from my office PC.

Sooooo............ here is a photo taken in the early 1980's. This is an active station which received a much deserved renovation funded by the local community about 10-12 years ago. The platform has received some more attractive fencing and looks much nicer now but the structure of the building is unchanged. It is more attractive now.

Another hint - this is a one train each way per day station and if the trains are on time, no passenger will see this station in the daylight. This photo was taken on a hazy summer evening near dusk with Amtrak not due for another couple of hours.

Who can name it?
Spartanburg, SC?

Spartanburg, SC is correct.

Did it look familiar to you or was it an educated guess based on my hint?

Regardless xyzzy, the floor is yours to either post a photo or invite someone else to do so. I'm pleased that you got it as I'll be away and mostly offline leaving in the morning and returning Monday evening. Not for the AU gathering either although I hope to do one of those in 2014 or 15. Instead I'm venturing out to hear a concert this weekend. Not a typical concert either...... it's an Austrian Brass Septet which is phenomenal but rarely in the United States!
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Well that freight locomtive does look like it's in the Southern livery, but I've never passed throguh that station in daylight soI wouldn't have had a clue. Have seen Spartanburg a few times, but not on Amtrak, decent little town.
Had seen it in daylight on a delayed Crescent.

Alas, I am in the middle of a 9-day trip and have no access to photo archives. The floor is open to anyone.
Out of curiousity, did you take a taxi from Amtrak to the airport and do you recall your cab fare? Mine was a shade over $40 before tip which was maybe $5 more than I had hoped for.
I did take a cab from the Jackson passenger station to the airport. I seem to remember the fare was around $35-$37 because I paid him with two $20 bills and told him to keep the change.