He could be a station volunteer that opens up this unstaffed station.Hint: I'm pretty sure that the guy in the middle is not a conductor, or even OBS.
He could be a station volunteer that opens up this unstaffed station.Hint: I'm pretty sure that the guy in the middle is not a conductor, or even OBS.
You are correctHe could be a station volunteer that opens up this unstaffed station.Hint: I'm pretty sure that the guy in the middle is not a conductor, or even OBS.
The fancy editor is crap, perhaps that's what all the problems are.I am having code trouble ,also. I can only use the "B" too bold the first line, not just one word.
This is how you do [b]bold[/b], [i]italics[/i], [u]underline[/u], and [s]trikethrough[/s].
And only 5 More Posts to Reach 4,000!!!The station on the clock has been, I believe, correctly identified so I would just like to offer my congratulations for reaching 200 pages with this thread.
Quite a milestone, no?
And I will remember this and give the correct answer.Sorry, I don't post pictures. Someday I will post a really obscure view of Williams Junction.