Name That Station!

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It is Burbank California. I believe that there are only 12 per day though
That is not fair, I was still editing it when you put the answer in!

The Coast Starlight passes through it so add two.

You are right, you are up.
I still don't understand how you got 14 Amtrak trains per day though. 5 PacSurfs each way + 1 CS each way.

Anyways, here is mine.

I went back an counted and discovered I can't read schedules. My apologies.
Exeter is extremely appropriate, I'm headed there for a points run very soon.

Anyhow, sorry for the lateness of my response. Here's a station that is not in Exeter:

I have no idea about that photo but what I find amusing is there is a tarped over mobil lift in the background and a wheelchair lift enclosure in the foreground. I though the reason those new brown structures are popping up at almost every Amtrak station was to house those now ADA required mobile lifts (if the conductors even have the right keys to open the enclosures).

Most of the San Joaquin stations even have them although the only stop without level boarding (via a bridge plate) is Stockton/Downtown.
Ocala Mike is a winner and the next picture poster!

Picture was taken from an upper level roomette on a westbound Sunset Limited.
I will see if I can get something posted here shortly; if not, I'll defer to another poster. Give me about 45 minutes.

Ocala Mike
Looks like Deland, Florida.

I'm surprized that Pennyk didn't get this one.

Must have made a Wrong Turn and missed the station!!