New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

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I cannot see this new Floridian attracting many travelers from Chicago to Miami. The original Floridian/ South Wind train was one overnight over two and one half days. The new route would make this two overnights over three days. I don't believe that is a good move. Furthermore, the old route stopped at Nashville, Louisville, Birmingham. Montgomery, Valdosta, Waycross and cities not served by the new route. IMO, a more direct N-S route is needed.
For those who pine for a direct Chicago-Miami routing, similar to the defunct City of Miami or the original Floridian, check out the FRA LD Study on restoring this route.
It made the list of 15 "preferred routes", but the early estimates are that it will cost a cool $3 Billion to get it up and running. I think Chicago/DC/FL will have to do, at least in my lifetime. ;)
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They are also supposed to restore daily Cardinal. Been hearing rumors for I don't know how long about route that would come through Louisville. At this point it seems like we're just throwing money at research with no physical results to achieve these.
I cannot see this new Floridian attracting many travelers from Chicago to Miami.

Chicago to Florida is also very cheap in terms of airfare prices.

That said, it still can serve the original routes quite well (except for a connection now to get north of DC).