Cho Cho Charlie
While you might strictly be a M-F worker, its being pretty myopic to assume that every single job in Philly is M-F too, especially those who jobs will have the addition load of supporting all those attending the sensationalized event (hotels, restaurants, etc). And to assume that all private and public transit routes will still be running just-like-normal, is simply being in denial.2. Whether or not you think it's "disrespectful" is beside the point. It's simply inaccurate. I'm not a current resident of Philadelphia, but I have lived at no less than four different locations in Philly over the years. Of those four, only one of those would be directly affected by the street closures [and I didn't own a car while I lived there anyhow.] Of the jobs I worked while in Philly, NONE of them would have been affected by the mass transit changes...largely because I worked M-F but also because most of the transit routes I used will still be operating. Yes, that's simply my personal experience. And yes, I have no physical impairments that make it difficult to walk a few extra blocks. But the bellyache about the "whole city" being shut down marginalizes the hundreds of thousands of people whose neighborhoods are outside the core.
And all this because one single man likes to bath himself in the limelight of public attention. Ah, vanity run amok.