Possible new train (Floridian) from MIA to CHI (rumor)

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Train 41 means Chicago to Miami, and vice versa, the opposite of what the Three River was.

Dwell time in DC is 59 minutes to Chicago; 38 minutes to Miami. This is going to be a disaster for both halves of the route.

Imagine the Pennsylvanian refugees in Pittsburgh waiting up for this thing.
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I applaud the traditional dining if indeed it does begin on the CHI-WAS leg. Like others, I am also worried about the short amount of time in D.C. Finally, will they wash the cars in Chicago and Miami? I am trying to be positive, but I see a recipe for disaster here.
This morning (9-22-2024), we received new e-tickets with modifications to our trip scheduled for next May. We originally had tickets for a passage from Chicago to Toledo on Capitol Limited No. 30. Now, we will be on Floridian No. 41 which departs from Chicago and arrives in Toledo at the same times as the CL No. 30 was supposed to. For our return trip, we were originally scheduled to travel from Toledo to Chicago on Capitol Limited No. 29. Now we will be on Floridian No. 40 which departs Toledo and arrives in Chicago at the same times that CL No. 29 was supposed to.