You are correct in that the 40 car line is the transdorm on the SW Chief, and transdorms generally have not been the subject of unexpected cuts. However, with that said, some trains currently are running without transdorms, the OBS crew being accommodated in standard sleepers. The Starlight is running with 3 sleepers and no transdorm this summer (the pre-COVID summer consist having been transdorm plus 3 standard sleepers). Recently, the Builder has beeing running with a mix of trandorms and standard sleepers as the 32 car line (Builder being an exception to the 40 car line=transdorm rule, 32 is the normal car line for the Builder's transdorm) , depending on which day and consist. My guess is they are not releasing the Bedrooms in 32 for sale on the standard sleeper days because I don't think they can vary the inventory by day.