"YOU provide the numbers. No, YOU provide the numbers. YOU first. No, YOU."
There are a lot of numbers out there, and even on the first 5 pages of this thread. They point in different directions based on how you assume the maintenance costs of the existing (and aging) Amtrak equipment will evolve, how you think riders would have reacted to the new equipment... and especially, how you voted in the last election. And they don't really matter, because the Talgos won't run in WI for reasons that have nothing to do with numbers, Talgos, or anything other than the politics surrounding their demise.
Here is betting that the ADA issue (which doesn't seem to exist in the Pacific Northwest) is not really an issue. If you and I have a deal, and I want to go back on the deal, I look for a reason to blame you, to show the outside world that, even though I am the one who appears to be backing out, it is really your fault. Even if I don't find one, I figure that just threatening you with a court process will be enough for you to cut me some slack. It's just legal blackmail. "Reduce my bill by 20%, and I'll pay you quickly, and not make a fuss. You're a foreign company, up against a state defending its taxpayers... you're not going to cut a sympathetic figure in court, especially since I'll arrange to have the judge be one that I appointed..."
I hope that Talgo stands firm and fights to get paid its due. It seems to have done everything it said it would, and should get paid for that. The anglo-saxon in me says that justice should be done. Talgo has nothing to do with Wisconsin politics, and should not be the victim of same. It is an upstanding, successful, and skillful company, employing innovative technology around the world.
Is that technology appropriate to the tangent track of Wisconsin? Probably not. Whose fault is that? Doyle's? Probably. He went for the new plant, and the attendant jobs, and didn't think much about the appropriateness of the trains.
Would the 4 sets have nonetheless worked in a Madison - Milwaukee - Chicago corridor? Yes, just fine, and the corridor would have been funded by the rest of us. Now it won't happen. Wisconsin is on the hook for expensive toys it can't use, has lost a game-changing improvement to its transportation system, and all those jobs. Whose fault is that? Walker's? Probably.
The rest is just money, and the Republicans fighting to hold on to WI in the face of a truly stupid series of mistakes, the logical consequence of a slavish adherence to dogma. Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
Truth will have nothing to do with the coming debate. It will just be a bunch of people shouting past each other, trying to get what they want, whether or not they deserve it. I join others in this post (Steve4031) in feeling a certain level of disgust.