Permanent Way Inspector
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Indeed, and while the effective date was this year, the fact that these rules were coming was well known for a while. Heck this was all being argued back in 2009. What surprises me is that WisDOT had not planned and budgeted for this expenditure.In areas where required by freight traffic, platforms must be 8" ATR (Above the Top of the Rail). Where freight traffic does not interfere, platforms must be level with the lowest-profile passenger equipment operating on that line. In single-level-only territory, this means 48" ATR (high-level platforms). Elsewhere, this means 15" ATR (level with Superliner lower levels).
As far as Milwaukee, this looks to mean that the side platform directly attached to the station building will need to be 15" ATR, as that track is not generally used for freight traffic (at least according to WisDOT and FRA), and the two island platforms will need to be 8" ATR.
It is distressing to see passenger rail planners cutting corners on simple things like reasonable platform heights.
New stations built in NJ on trackage shared with regular freight operations have had 48" platform with gauntlet tracks built years back. The new Pennsauken station on the Atlantic City Line is building in additional crossovers to move freight away from the track that will have the 48" platform. These are just the cost of doing business and should be accounted for. OTOH, it is railfans, among others, who were responsible for many of the M&E stations not getting 48" platforms in the interest of maintaining the nice 19th century looks of the stations. Sigh.... Now the next time these stations are refurbished they will have to be upgraded to 48" platforms at great additional cost.
OTOH, NJT pulled an interesting stunt about the Tier III (AFAIR) diesel regulations which went into effect while the PL42s were being delivered. They made sure they avoided that requirement by assembling and starting each engine once before the deadline thus establishing that basic manufacturing had been completed before the deadline. It was months later that the final unit was actually delivered. Games that people play....
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