Trump and Amtrak/Budget cutting funding

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This is getting way beyond any reasonable discussion of Amtrak, but the world's worst nightmare is the possibility of a United States gone rogue and behaving more like North Korea than like a civilized nation.
Absolutely. George W. Bush (especially the invasion of Iraq, and talking about a "crusade") was already causing many nations to worry about a "rogue US". At least North Korea stays within its own borders and looks inward. I think the world is most specifically afraid of the US acting like ISIS. Some of the extremist right-wing preachers make that seem much more plausible than it should seem. And our political mess is not helping that image.
...and the entire world lived in fear.....over the possible expansion of Amtrak!
Will the SL's current route closest to the border around El Paso be disrupted by the Wall?
How much "influence" do you think Donald Trump had in getting the ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESS up and running in 1989??

As a Businessman first, I'd imagine Mr. Trump would look at Amtrak in the same light as any other business only Amtrak really isn't any other business.

No other business can run a deficit for 40+ years straight and still be around. Just hard, cold fact.

That Amtrak has an essential role in the balance of transportation modes in the US should be clear to anyone with more than 2 active brain cells, but desperately needs to be brought into the 21st Century.

Several AU posts point out one inescapable FACT. Congress, specifically, the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee is where the real attention should be focused. Google it !! Get the list of members and start writing !!! PAPER LETTERS. An email is too easy to ignore.

A paper, hand written letter speaks loudly, LOUDLY, LOUDLY !!, because it communicates that someone has actually taken the time to sit down and write it, not push a button to send a "form" letter.

I write 2 letters a week to the members of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and I do get responses, mostly a "form" type letter, but I've also received a number of letters that were clearly composed, written and specifically addressed the subject of the letter I had sent.

I keep each letter to one topic,...... funding..... or long range infrastructure repair, etc. and as brief as possible. (Don't want to overwhelm those "BUSY" minds).

The FAST Act has been passed, but it needs funding. That's a HUGE Victory for Amtrak but Amtrak has to compete with all the others who are controlled by this committee. Believe me, the pipeline people have their lobbyists, the airline people have their lobbyists and on and on. Amtrak supporters have NAPR and ??? ....YOU.

YOU want Amtrak to move into the 21st Century, right? Then get off your duffs and contribute something with substance. If you can sit around typing posts all day on AU, then you certainly can research who your particular State or Commonwealth Senator is on the Transportation Committee and write.

Getting started: .. ® Jeff Denham, Calif.; Chairman. ... (D) Michael E. Capuano, Mass.; Ranking Member.
HARHBG: Excellent post! Unfortunately my Senators and most of the Congressional Delegation here in Texas are puppets of the T-Party Zealots that have taken over the Republican Party here in Deep Red Texas! Thus they vote against most Budgets items that benefit Society and in tbe case of one Senator shut the Government down over small, trivial matters!

Oh how we miss Kay Bailey Hutchison!
The great advantage of the FAST Act is that Amtrak is now being considered by the *correct committee*, the same one which pays attention to public transportation. Previously Amtrak considerations were stuck in a committee whose responsibilities were *entirely* freight and commodities oriented, which really did not help its chances.
How much "influence" do you think Donald Trump had in getting the ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESS up and running in 1989??
Did he do anything? Nothing that I am aware of. It was mostly the Atlantic City Development Authority (or whatever they call themselves) that were all for it and worked hard to make it happen. Once it started most hotels, including Trump's as far as I recall, were reluctant to run shuttles to/from the train station for the longest time. They were all more worried about their parking lot losses and New York - Atlantic City bus contract issues. The fact that the train took more time than a bus from New York via Garden State Parkway did not help matters much either. Finally Amtrak folded that service, and since then given NJ Transit's excellent stewardship, ridership has been in general going down.
Will the SL's current route closest to the border around El Paso be disrupted by the Wall?
That section should already be listed as one of the Scenic Areas on

From your train window you can look across the river to Mexico and see why they are desperate to escape. Then you see the Rio Grande -- careful, if you try to cross it you could get your socks wet. On this side is a chain link fence, with Border Patrol cars parked every two or three blocks. They have a dirt road to move back n forth along the fence. Then uphill a bit a local street, Paisano Drive, four lanes wide, is itself lined with concrete Jersey barriers. I recall roadsigns warning drivers to look out for, uh, pedestrians, like cattle crossing signs, but not lately. Part of the way is a concrete lined irrigation canal, its sloping sides sometimes filled with water, but usually not much. Up a gravelly slope to another level, another fence, and train tracks (two tracks on two levels, iirc.) A smaller fence lines the Interstate 10 divided highway. Above that, more gravelly slope of cactus and assorted thorned, spiny, spiked, and scratchy desert plants.

I'm not sure where they'd squeeze in the Wall, even if Mexico agrees to pay for it.

Of course, the facts have a well-known liberal bias: Illegal immigration from Mexico has fallen greatly in recent years. Don't think that's all Obama's fault, LOL, it's more the job-starved economy since Bush's Recession kicked off in 2008.
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No other business can run a deficit for 40+ years straight and still be around. Just hard, cold fact.
Alex, what is the USPS?

The "other" business that just Congress loves to mess around.
The USPS is a public service, not a "business." And in a more rational world, Amtrak too would be funded as appropriate for a public service.
No other business can run a deficit for 40+ years straight and still be around. Just hard, cold fact.
Alex, what is the USPS?

The "other" business that just Congress loves to mess around.
The USPS is a public service, not a "business." And in a more rational world, Amtrak too would be funded as appropriate for a public service.
I thought Nixon made the USPS independent?
The USPS is a "independent agency of the United States federal government." And (for the most part) doesn't receive tax-payer funding.
Of course, the facts have a well-known liberal bias: Illegal immigration from Mexico has fallen greatly in recent years.
It's actually *reversed* -- the net flow is *from* the US *to* Mexico, and has been for several years.
Mexico, of course, has universal health care now. Much of Mexico is doing quite well, though the border areas are trashed by the drug war (also the fault of the US; in Mexico even the right-wingers are now asking the US to legalize drugs so as to suppress the gangs' profits).
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I see no reason to believe trump would doom Amtrak. To be honest, I expect very little will change regardless of who becomes President. So far,]we have some conjecture, a couple quotes, and political opinions. Here's mine: I would certainly consider him for my vote.
Can you elaborate on what it is about Trump that specifically appeals to you? Trump himself has said very little about what any of his actual policies would look like or how he would go about funding and implementing them. Indeed he has routinely declined to explain much of anything even when asked directly. US presidential power is mostly focused outward toward external issues and developments. For domestic needs and goals Congress continues to hold most of the power. Which means finding a way to work with Congress remains a stubborn and unavoidable necessity. It's hard to imagine Trump spending substantial political capitol to save Amtrak from a hostile Congress. Then again Trump hasn't shown any willingness to compromise or coordinate his goals at anytime with anyone. In fact he seems bound and determined to publicly insult and/or threaten nearly everyone he'll eventually have to work with. Which may mean that the coordination and compromise stages may simply never happen and his entire term could end up in some sort of lame duck limbo.
Full disclosure: Trump was not my preferred choice for president, but my preferred choice has dropped out. What appeals to me about Trump is the fact he is bringing up issues that nobody else would touch until he entered the race. Politicians were too scared about the "backlash" they would receive or campaign funding that would go out the window if they brought issues up. Democrats think he's a joke, but he's a master of dominating the media. In my view, the media is very biased on both sides and it's hard to believe anything you read anymore. A couple of the most popular news sources are Fox News and Huffington Post. These are jokes. Trump has played the media very well and I believe a lot of it is intentional for free publicity. He's a good businessman. I also think Trump will have more success than the current president in working with Congress (albeit it's controlled by Republicans). Most Democrats are most certainly more favorable for Amtrak, but that is not the only issue I follow for my voting. What I don't like about Trump are all the insults he throws out. I want someone who is more level-headed on that front. These are just my views. I completely understand why Amtrak supporters are concerned of Repulbican candidates so I'm not offended at all. I don't think any presidential candidate will change how Amtrak operates.
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Let the games begin!

Proposal shifts air traffic control outside federal government, cuts funding for transit and Amtrak

The plan would end federal support for Amtrak’s long-distance train service, which budget documents said “incur the vast majority of Amtrak’s operating losses. This would allow Amtrak to focus on better managing its state-supported and Northeast Corridor train services.”The core of the Northeast Corridor stretches from Washington to Boston, though that term also encompasses several other offshoots.

The budget would also cut nearly a half-billion dollars from one of the most popular federal transportation programs, known as TIGER grants. The department has wide discretion in awarding the competitive grants, which have funded highway improvements in South Dakota and a rail station in Rhode Island, among dozens of other projects.
Surprise, surprise. The President's budget proposes significant cuts to Amtrak and to transit. Certainly at this point it's just a proposal and presidential budget proposals are typically ignored in part or in total by Congress, but it does make known the Administration's general goals with regards to transportation/infrastructure spending.
I do not think any of us should be surprised at this. On a side note, I don't recall Trump ever uttering the word "Amtrak". "Railroads", yes, ""High speed rail", yes, but Amtrak? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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I do not think any of us should be surprised at this. On a side note, I don't recall Trump ever uttering the word "Amtrak". "Railroads", yes, ""High speed rail", yes, but Amtrak? Correct me if I'm wrong.
You would not ordinarily expect a major, new infrastructure bill (plan) to be part of a regular annual budget proposal. This administration is just getting started; If we haven't seen concrete progress on major campaign promises within two or three years (but presumably sooner), then it would be a real concern.

While it is disappointing to see 'business as usual' regarding annual Amtrak funding proposals, we all know the long-distance services aren't really the big financial drain they're painted as - that's the Northeast Corridor's capital requirements. The semi-good news is we can also expect a 'business as usual' budget result for Amtrak; In other words, a wholly inadequate budget for passenger rail which merely props up the status quo for another year. Infrastructure spending does have the potential to change that, but you cannot spend your way out of a continuing operating subsidy.

It is also doubtful the actual Amtrak budget number was authored by Trump personally. No president can be an expert on everything or involved in minor details (they'd never get any work done), and the combined myths of a profitable Northeast Corridor and long-distance trains which lose hundreds of dollars per passenger have been spread for so long they make sense (on the surface) to most people.
I could see some of the states and localities getting more involved in helping to fund the LD routes, kind of like what's happened with the SW Chief
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Folks, Trump's secretary of transportation came direct from the American Heritage Foundation, a group that has been anti-Amtrak for decades. What did you think was going to happen? All this talk of trillions of dollars for infrastructure is just that, talk. The Republicans have no stomach for big money federal building programs. Time to get in contact with your congressmen and senators --- and don't call them "critters" when you talk with them and their staff -- and express your ire at this stupid proposal. The states are not interested in supporting LD trains. What happens when New York and Illinois say they'll throw a few bucks at the LSL and Ohio and Indiana say "no thanks." Do you think the repressive anti-government Republican administration of Kansas wants to throw money at the SWC? I think not! Make your voices heard or the LD trains will be going away. Don't think that Trump even knows what Amtrak is. There's going to be a lot much to moan and groan about in the next few years other than the quality of Amtrak food.
Yep, this is pretty much the Heritage budget, as far as transportation at least, that was rumored not that long ago. Cut Amtrak (in this case, specifically funds for long distance trains) and eliminate federal funds for transit expansion.
Fly-over states (overwhelmingly poor, rural, and predominantly Red States) are not likely going to be able (or willing) to cover the funding of LD trains. I take the CONO to CHI from rural Mississippi simply to get to connect to other LD trains. I can not see MS coughing up dollars to fund the CONO. Hell, our state preacher in chief.... I mean governor, wouldn't even allow ACA Medicaid expansion!
As usual the Presidents Budget will be DOA in Congress!

This allows the Hogs,er Peoples Representatives to feed at the trough and follow the orders of their owners, the Lobbyists that actually run Washington!

I agree with those that think that as always, Amtrak will get just enough to muddle through by borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. YMMV
I could see some of the states and localities getting more involved in helping to fund the LD routes, kind of like what's happened with the SW Chief
The states are not interested in supporting LD trains. What happens when New York and Illinois say they'll throw a few bucks at the LSL and Ohio and Indiana say "no thanks." Do you think the repressive anti-government Republican administration of Kansas wants to throw money at the SWC? I think not!
I think it depends on how dependent the state is on Amtrak for transportation needs. If these rinky dink states that you all say can't lose their Amtrak service really think that way you might have a chance there. If Amtrak can get a few LD routes off their payroll without losing the trains we're all better off.

Yep, this is pretty much the Heritage budget, as far as transportation at least, that was rumored not that long ago. Cut Amtrak (in this case, specifically funds for long distance trains) and eliminate federal funds for transit expansion.
I'm guessing this isn't new but has been proposed for decades.

Who knows, maybe Trump will proposed new railroad expansion (or at least upgrades of existing tracks for higher speeds)? If he's really serious about comparing our trains to Europe's or Asia's trains maybe we'll get a transportation system better than Amtrak. That $1 Trillion has to go somewhere.
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