Court Jester

Bonus ViewDiner!

An all-Viewliner train would look somewhat interesting... Kind of oddly shaped...

Handful more here...
May I ask where you are hearing of plans to remove the lounge cars from eastern long-distance trains? Unless I've missed a nefarious rumor somewhere, no Amfleet II lounge cars will be freed up by the introduction of the new dining cars.Hi,
Here's one hypothetical way to get coaches to convert the CL to single level equipment. A previous post stated both sets of equipment would need 4 coaches The addition of new diners to the Lake Shore Limited, Silver Star and Cardinal will free up 9 cafe-lounge cars which could be then converted to long distance coaches. Depending on a negotiation of penalties on the CAF contract, Amtrak could get additional rolling stock complete except for the interiors and finish them out themselves for "prototype LD coaches". Sleeping car shells could be used. The upper windows could be closed up if not needed for a coach configuration.
For example, a Metra press release this year stated that Nippon Sharyo will be completing 7 bilevel coaches for Metra as a part of a settlement on equipment orders at no cost to the railroad.
The Amfleet II coaches and lounge cars are next up for replacement anyway. Probably the most expedient and practical means of getting additional cars would be to (somehow) cobble together a budget for such an order (presumably Viewliners), releasing Amfleet II for interim service elsewhere.Another idea for a source of coaches to convert the CL to single level cars with the Viewliner II 70 car option, could be to do what California did and buy Comet, MARC IIa, Constitution Liner or other retired commuter cars and rebuild them as LD coaches to go with the add-on Viewliners. This may not be ideal, but it's more of a "take what you can get reasonably & quickly" solution.
I think he is talking of the additional Lounge Car that is currently being used as Diner on the LSL. There will be three such released when the LSL gets a Diner.May I ask where you are hearing of plans to remove the lounge cars from eastern long-distance trains? Unless I've missed a nefarious rumor somewhere, no Amfleet II lounge cars will be freed up by the introduction of the new dining cars.Hi,
Here's one hypothetical way to get coaches to convert the CL to single level equipment. A previous post stated both sets of equipment would need 4 coaches The addition of new diners to the Lake Shore Limited, Silver Star and Cardinal will free up 9 cafe-lounge cars which could be then converted to long distance coaches. Depending on a negotiation of penalties on the CAF contract, Amtrak could get additional rolling stock complete except for the interiors and finish them out themselves for "prototype LD coaches". Sleeping car shells could be used. The upper windows could be closed up if not needed for a coach configuration.
For example, a Metra press release this year stated that Nippon Sharyo will be completing 7 bilevel coaches for Metra as a part of a settlement on equipment orders at no cost to the railroad.
I am almost certain that Siemens will not take it unless it comes with gobs of additional money. There is no reason for them to invest in a relatively outdated and small production run line when they have a production line producing perfectly viable equipment that they can sell by the thousands all over the world. Besides why would they wish to adopt a design from the 1980s when they have a 21st century design in production?Have to wonder what if ------- Amtrak transferees the V-2 designs to Siemens. Would that be possible without a new 800,000 # test or could they be built from the present designs ? Would CAF just drag their feet more completing the present order ?
Every single eastern train with sleepers could use an additional sleeper. There needs to be a through sleeper on the Pennsy to the Capitol Limited. The LSL could fill two if the Pennsy/Cap through cars aren't reinstated. The Cardinal needs to go daily. 66/67 needs a sleeper.There was the option for 30 more cars, but zero word that Amtrak ever (or will ever) exercise it.
I think it would be great if they could, but then the question is, to what point?
How much longer could they make existing trains? (keep in mind with the new sleepers and baggage-dorms, most trains will already see a 50% or more increase in sleeper space).
And, other than perhaps a sleeper on 66/67, and returning something like Three Rivers, where could they use this new equipment?
The Superliners gain that little over the Viewliners? I hadn't counted. Not much of an advantage.Per sleeper car you lose 3 bedrooms in a Viewliner, plus the Family Bedroom. You also lose 2 roomettes.Maybe make the Capital Limited a Viewliner train and move the Superliner cars that are freed up to the western LD routes? I am not sure all the coaches are needed but the sleepers are, I believe.
Daily Cardinal.Most of the equipment Amtrak probably needs are coaches.
As for diners, figure 4 for Silver Meteor, 4 for Crescent, 3 for Lake Shore Limited. That's 12.
If you add in 4 more for a returned Silver Star, you're up to 16.
Even if you assume 3-4 for spares (which is lousy utilization) that's 20.
You still have 5 left over.
The Amfleet II cafe-lounges are generally pretty underutilized on the LSL, except when they're pretending to be dining cars. Converting them to coaches makes sense. Converting them to cafe / business-class also makes sense.You know, it's the first time I've heard that idea (converting cafe-lounges) to coaches, which makes sense.
So great, now you have enough for one more train. It's a start but...
Here's hoping.
You actually lose 4 bedrooms. (Superliner has 6 bedrooms plus handicapped, Viewliner has 2 bedrooms plus handicapped.)Per sleeper car you lose 3 bedrooms in a Viewliner, plus the Family Bedroom. You also lose 2 roomettes.Maybe make the Capital Limited a Viewliner train and move the Superliner cars that are freed up to the western LD routes? I am not sure all the coaches are needed but the sleepers are, I believe.
I agree with you. The 70 car option should be fully executed. As you stated above for a daily Cardinal and growth 5 more baggage-dorms and 25 more sleepers. I would add 2 more baggage-dorms, 2 diners and 4 more sleepers for the talked about future Dallas section of the Crescent (2 train section sets and a few LD coaches to be added somehow), 4 sleepers, converting the CL to single-level would add 2 baggage, 2 diners and 2 more sleepers to be handed off to the Pennsylvanian. Add 2 diners for the Maple Leaf trains 63/64 to replace the cafe cars. I would also add 4 baggage and 4 diners for spare/wreck protection. Your suggestion and my suggestions add to 58 cars, so 12 more to go. Anyone have other thoughts?Every single eastern train with sleepers could use an additional sleeper. There needs to be a through sleeper on the Pennsy to the Capitol Limited. The LSL could fill two if the Pennsy/Cap through cars aren't reinstated. The Cardinal needs to go daily. 66/67 needs a sleeper.That's 4 + 4 + 4 (southern trains) + 6 (LSL/Pennsy/Cap) + 2 (66/67) + 4 or 6 (Cardinal) = 24 to 26. Add shop time and you're up to 29 or 30 already. 25 sleepers and 10 half-sleepers are just barely enough to cover this.There was the option for 30 more cars, but zero word that Amtrak ever (or will ever) exercise it.
I think it would be great if they could, but then the question is, to what point?
How much longer could they make existing trains? (keep in mind with the new sleepers and baggage-dorms, most trains will already see a 50% or more increase in sleeper space).
And, other than perhaps a sleeper on 66/67, and returning something like Three Rivers, where could they use this new equipment?
What happens when -- as it will -- demand goes up *again*? What if both the Pennsy/Cap route and the LSL route have booming demand (as they will) and it becomes desirable to add another car to each (6 more)? What happens when there are some wrecks? What happens if there is a sound business case for another sleeper train, say, a second train on the LSL route at different hours? (If there is a sound business case for another sleeper train, it'll be going to NY, I'm quite sure, so it'll require single-levels.)
Just allowing for wrecks means they should order an extra 5 sleepers and an extra 5 bag-dorms. Allowing for predictable demand increases calls for another 10 sleepers.
There's a shortage of Superliners and they're starting to break, and there's no sound business case to replace them except possibly on Auto Train. Converting the Capitol Limited to Viewliners would ease the pain and simplify some platform height issues.
Remember, Amtrak originally intended to order 100 Viewliner sleepers, which is about the right number. They ordered 50. This order adds 25. Another 25 would be appropriate. But even another 5 or 10 would give them some breathing room.
Superliners have 5. A B C D E.You actually lose 4 bedrooms. (Superliner has 6 bedrooms plus handicapped, Viewliner has 2 bedrooms plus handicapped.)Per sleeper car you lose 3 bedrooms in a Viewliner, plus the Family Bedroom. You also lose 2 roomettes.Maybe make the Capital Limited a Viewliner train and move the Superliner cars that are freed up to the western LD routes? I am not sure all the coaches are needed but the sleepers are, I believe.
Plus the family bedroom, in addition to accessible bedroom.Superliners have 5. A B C D E.You actually lose 4 bedrooms. (Superliner has 6 bedrooms plus handicapped, Viewliner has 2 bedrooms plus handicapped.)Per sleeper car you lose 3 bedrooms in a Viewliner, plus the Family Bedroom. You also lose 2 roomettes.Maybe make the Capital Limited a Viewliner train and move the Superliner cars that are freed up to the western LD routes? I am not sure all the coaches are needed but the sleepers are, I believe.