What does your Forum User Name mean?

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AFS1970 is a name I use on several forums. It is my initials and the year I was born.A few years ago I switched over to this format as it is a name that will stay with me no matter where I work or travel.
I live in the upper east side of NYC. Shows that when living in the NEC area that I'll choose trains 100% of the time when traveling to Boston or DC than flying. I love flying (travel weekly for work), but the train experience from NYC to DC/Boston is a superior experience (in my opinion)
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Mine is more basic than it sounds. Mystic, CT (with its peaceful river) is one of my favorite getaway places (I go in the off-season, and by train, of course). And, according to the Chinese horoscope, I was born under the sign of the Dragon (the Chinese Dragon is a good, kind creature--not frightening like its counterpart in western mythology). When I was trying out words and phrases to come up with a name, Mystic River Dragon just sounded right.
Back before web based forums were a thing I was on a gaming newsgroup where every nickname ended with Dragon. Brings back distant memories of my early internet days.

I have been nshvlcat since 1989.
Just out of curiosity what were you doing online back in 1989? Was it on CompuServe or a UNIX terminal or a BBS?

From Wikipedia, In Norse mythology, Valkyrie: "chooser of the slain." A particularily appropriate name for a supersonic strategic nuclear bomber.
How is "chooser of the slain" particularly appropriate for the world's least discriminate weapon of mass destruction? There's a reason "nuclear option" has become a synonym for "method of last resort" in our shared lexicon.
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NW is for "north West" -- like anyplace west and north from Albany NY. Like Rochester, Buffalo, Toledo, Chicago, Minneapolis, Fargo, Portland, Seattle. (maybe even Montreal, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Vancouver?)

Where friends and family are. (except for a few in Arizona, how they stand the heat I can't tell)

"Cannonball" is because of my interest in wooden ships in the Napoleon wars, and

Because sometimes I've posted stupid blundering things.

The Ativan, no astrowar, no -- "avatar" -- picture thingy is the cockpit control panel of a "Big Boy" steam engine. (the brakes and throttle are out-of-frame)

That's for my kid who operated a much more complicated steam engine recently - a 65000 HP one.

I like riding Amtrak, but most commercial planes are mostly OK. I drive a car if I need to, but don't own one.
SNL stands for Saturday Night Live. Jamie is my name. 0518 is my birthdate. The reason for my user name is because I have attended many SNL shows when I lived in NYC.
Kattrain177 pays homage to the Chessie system taken into the CSX...I currently rail fan along the CSX Mohawk sub...my favorite spot is at the Amtrak Station at milepost 177.
The letter part is the initials of my first name (Brandon) and the first and third middle names, plus my last name. The number part is my birthday, in the format of YY/M/D. The number part can also mean the third car of the four-car consist of the consist no. 26, on Seoul Subway Line 9, which is in the format of XYZZ, where X is the line number, Y is the car number, and ZZ is the consist number. I brought this railcar up because that specific railcar matches my number part of the screen name.

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