NW is for "north West" -- like anyplace west and north from Albany NY. Like Rochester, Buffalo, Toledo, Chicago, Minneapolis, Fargo, Portland, Seattle. (maybe even Montreal, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Vancouver?)
Where friends and family are. (except for a few in Arizona, how they stand the heat I can't tell)
"Cannonball" is because of my interest in wooden ships in the Napoleon wars, and
Because sometimes I've posted stupid blundering things.
The Ativan, no astrowar, no -- "avatar" -- picture thingy is the cockpit control panel of a "Big Boy" steam engine. (the brakes and throttle are out-of-frame)
That's for my kid who operated a much more complicated steam engine recently - a 65000 HP one.
I like riding Amtrak, but most commercial planes are mostly OK. I drive a car if I need to, but don't own one.