When I first joined this fine group, all anyone could talk about was the loss of service from Orlando to New Orleans, what train is that, Sunset Limited. Massive indignation, riots, hell fire and brimstone. Everyone was stoning Peter Gunn and vowing never to ride Amtrak again. Well, we made it through that. We do not like stuff taken away, we don't like plastic plates, we don't like the lack of linen, we don't like the menu, now we don't like the high tea service gone where we all get a free glass of wine. I suspect this entire issue will be forgotten two months after it is pulled.
I have only seen this issue discussed here and members on other boards really hate everything. To me, this is all about cost efficiency and maybe better cross utilization of staff and food and beverage products, plus the need for an extra clean-up in the dining car. Maybe fifty other reasons I can't think of. Does no one think this issue was discussed for months and offered to focus groups and cost accounting measured. Do you think all the big dogs got together one night at Joe's and said GET RID OF IT!!! This was planned and all this issues discussed here were discussed.
Everyone takes things so personal, so slap in the face like. Its not personal at all, its business. Airlines now tell unhappy passengers that they are free to fly another airline. Same here, you are free to travel another train. For my part, when I upgrade to a roomette, I get what I pay for.
Hmm...I did consider the whole paragraph and even the sentence as a whole, so I didn't take it out of context. However, the part I want to respond to is in bold. You may have gotten what you paid for. I get that. I paid for a roomette too, on the LSL, and the agent who sold me the ticket said I would be boarding the train early for a wine and cheese reception. This agent stated that this was done because there was no dinner service out of Chicago due to the hour. Therefore, I paid for the reception with my purchase of the roomette. I am not getting what I paid for. Usually, a responsible company will post an effective cut off date well in advance and warn a customer that after such and such a date this service will no longer be available. In my case, I brought it to Amtrak's Customer Relations people who had no clue that this was even happening. This was not posted on their FB page or at
Amtrak.com as a service no longer offered. Until yesterday, the website still mentioned the wine and cheese receptions and the time table for the LSL mentioned the early boarding for drinks and snacks (We all know its wine and cheese). This is just bad business practice. It was done in secret. There was no phone calls, emails, or letters saying "Sorry, the following amenities will be discontinued on the following dates". No, someone posted a confidential company notice here and now we are discussing it. "I get what I pay for"...well, sir, you might have, but I certainly did not!