If your train is full and traveling Coach on the LSL be sure to go to the cafe before the yuuuuuge line that forms into the next car. I was lucky,
BOS to NYP I passed on food but a kind woman vending drinks (lower level) and pastry sold me a killer danish for half off. I then went directly from the same platform but different escalator. I waited until my return to see the Moynihan.
I was pleased to see LIRR senior was about 50% off like Boston CR.
ON the return to Boston I checked out Monihan. The very front of the westbound LIRR makes it EZ to get to the escalator up to the Moynihan.
I didn’t feel like finding anything to eat because I was pleasantly surprised by the Moynihan Train Hall and watching the Amtrak folk do crowd control.
One Amtrak guy put on a little comedy show for our very long line. He was funny. He explained how you file a complaint with Amtrak office / funny.
I was hovering at the gate (the down escalator) when a pleasant Amtrak employee told me about the very nice waiting-area.
Not only does Moynihan look better in person but the Amtrak folk earned high marks on a Friday morning.
I was up for juice and the pretty good breakfast sandwich. The Jimmy Dean sausage makes it a descent breakfast sandwich.
We ran 40 minutes late to New London but the ferry held the boat and about ten people got off for NLC or The Fisher Island Ferry. I was lucky to have a private contact to visit there.
New London Union Station was old school Amtrak-folks but somehow I got the coke machine to work... concluding my Amtrak dining experience.