Permanent Way Inspector
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Are you sure about that or are you just pulling it out of the nether regions? Can yo provide any citation in support of this odd theory? Although I must admit that a loan to pay off a loan does sound like what the financial wizards of the Corzine and Port Authority mindset would come up with as a planThe $6 Billion RRIF Loan is likely the debt service for the Port Authority of NY and NJ, NJ Transit, New Jersey, and New York.
Only thing being handled right now are the Portal North, which has a separate funding stream and the pair of tunnels plus the repair of the existing tunnels - timeframe for completion of the latter is 2029. The rest of Gateway is on the back burner for now. Or so says the guys managing the project at the last public review. Do you know something that they even don not know or are not disclosing?This includes both the Portal Bridge (which the Port Authority said in October should cost a little more than $1.5 Billion) and the Hudson Tunnel Project.
I am basing this on information shared by two gentlemen who attended the public review meeting and reported on that at the NJ-ARP Board meeting on Saturday in Chatham NJ, where I was present.
Unless the new administration changes the rules of the game the feds are on the hook for half the total amount for the tunnel. No one knows whether it will be New Start grants or whatever else. Only the amount is roughly known, the mechanism or budget lines are not known at this time. It will be routed through FTA in all likelihood, but it could be just a targeted single grant over multiple years. And the ground rules may have changed completely after the election.Remember, Gateway Phase 1 is likely to receive a massive New Starts Grant--which will likely include some CMAQ funds as well (which was what originally happened with ARC).
Given the current FTA New Start scoring rules this project may not make the cut. ARC had great difficulty making the cut which caused them to add the bell mouths for connecting the CSX River Line and North Branch into the tunnel in the future, to make up the necessary utility numbers to cover the huge cost. And those rules are unlikely to change just for one project. This is why it is premature to state categorically that New Start will be involved. Of course, everything is now up in the air. The new administration may even insist that all funding will have to be to a public private partnership with the private party paying into it using some mechanism excusing taxation on the private party. So fasten your seat-belts and hang on until the dust settles. After all that is the mechanism that has been mooted by the President elect for his yuuge $1 Trillion infrastructure investment.
Incidentally Drew Galloway, who was at Amtrak NEC Capital Programs has left Amtrak and showed up at the meeting representing Parsons. He is working on the tunnel from Parsons.
As is now known for sure, that NJTransit is the lead agency for the Tunnel project, which consists of just the tunnels, and nothing else, not even an inch of new tracks west of Secaucus apparently, or any new platforms at Secaucus. The main goal of the project is to complete two tunnels between Bergen interlocking and Penn Station so that the two old tunnels can be taken out of service for rehabilitation. The rest comes after that work is at least well on its way.
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