Name That Station!

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Here goes the next one. It is pretty easy.

Go for it:

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I forget the rules. Does it have to be a station we've personally visited, or can we just deduce the answer by clues in the photo? I have this one (I'm a pretty fair detective), but I've never been there. How do you do the "spoiler" thingy?

Ocala Mike
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Why did you select McCook?

Will you be on the chat tomorrow??
We ate a Country Kitchen there in 2009 while on a storm-chase trip, and the part I remember most (other than the woman with us eating a sausage and sauerkraut pizza with Tabasco sauce) was when a freight train pulled in and the engineer, an old man in denim overalls with a white beard, hopped off the train, walked in, sat down and ordered a coffee. He was still there when we paid and left.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing at 6 tomorrow, but if I'm not busy I'll surely pop in to the chat.
Yes, Princeton,IL. I didn't know it had been previously posted.

Anyhow, time for a new picture.

Go, Thunder Road!!
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