Name That Station!

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Here is an another easy one.


Curious as to where this was shot from.
Since Shanghai has been answering (and posting) too many photos, I will jump in with one out-of-turn submission just to give him some relief :D

Here you go-

It's a slab-only station used by special groups visiting a tourist attraction there. Maybe Peter can fill us in some more. At any rate, I don't have a posting capability and will be away from my computer for a while. Assuming I am correct, I defer posting of the next pic to Shanghai or anyone else that has one.

Ocala Mike
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It's a slab-only station used by special groups visiting a tourist attraction there. Maybe Peter can fill us in some more. At any rate, I don't have a posting capability and will be away from my computer for a while. Assuming I am correct, I defer posting of the next pic to Shanghai or anyone else that has one.

Ocala Mike

I'll post a photo in a few minutes.

What has happened to Johnny?
Yes, Oceanside, California.

Your turn to post an Amtrak Station picture.

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to your liking.
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Ok, here we go:

{Pic Removed}

I this a station or simply a platform??

Does the train stop here or pass by??

I have some pictures to post if Johnny isn't with us!!
Yes & No. The Amtrak portion of the station is just two slabs & some fencing. However connected to the slabs is the Greenfield Village (GFV) station which does have a building. However you cannot do anything more then tour it, use the restrooms & buy tickets for the GFV train.

The stop is a Group-only flag stop. You must have group tickets to & from there in order to get the train to stop. Also GFV isn't really set up to receive people thru that entrance. The 2 times I've gone via train we've had to wait at the station for a while. Once they had a manager come over & issue us our tickets there at the station ticket desk, the other time they sent a bus over and we rode to the main entrance.
