Name That Station!

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Here is my really easy one:


Good Luck!!
SOL!!! SOL!!!

It's funny, you can almost see my house in that pic. Not quite, but close :D
You got it Johnny!!

I posted that picture for you!!

Your turn to post a photo.
I'm going to wait a few hours until I'm home to post. Yes I booked an UM res, thanks to everybody's pressing me to do so. So I'll have itin a few hours.
SOL!!! SOL!!!

It's funny, you can almost see my house in that pic. Not quite, but close :D
Is that the only Coca-Cola product location on Amtrak property in the country? :)
Some of the Stations across the US have Coke Products :wub: , El Paso comes to mind and the Hot Dog Man in FTW sells them outside the Station. If its not an Amtrak Concession they probably have other Brands available!Maybe Coke will beat out Pepsi next time Amtrak takes bids!! ^_^
I can't seem to be able to post directly from my pic library, so I uploaded it to Facebook and it can be seen from there. Here is the link: link

I am goign to bed now and have school early in the morning, so don't expect any fast replies
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I can't seem to be able to post directly from my pic library, so I uploaded it to Facebook and it can be seen from there. Here is the link: link

I am goign to bed now and have school early in the morning, so don't expect any fast replies
Johnny, the link does not work for me, I received this message:

This content is currently unavailable.



The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
I can't seem to be able to post directly from my pic library, so I uploaded it to Facebook and it can be seen from there. Here is the link: link

I am goign to bed now and have school early in the morning, so don't expect any fast replies
You can't directly post photos at AU. You have to upload your photo to a photo hosting site and use the IMG code here to bring up the photo from the hosting site.
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Johnny, in order to post pics from Facebook, you need to do the following.

  1. Go to the Facebook page that shows the pic you want to post.
  2. Right-click or control-click on the pic, and select "View Image". You'll get a link that starts with something like Copy that link. [in IE, right-click and select "Properties", then copy the "Address (URL)".]
  3. Now in AU, create a post and click on the "Insert Image" icon.
  4. Paste that link into your post.
The above can be a pain to do if you're using a cellphone or an iPad, but I've managed it. Alternatively, go to the Facebook page that shows the image and look at the bottom of the screen. You'll see a message that says "Want to share your photo? You can give friends or relatives this link:" Copy the link and paste it into AU using the "Insert link" icon. This will work, but won't actually embed the picture.
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Johnny, I will post this photo in your place and will return the favor

when you are able to access your photos. You probably know this station.'
