It has been over a year and a half into Mr. Anderson's solo tenure. I have to admit, there are some things I really like (the pressing of mechanical, the pushing for new equipment, the cutting through a lot of the internal bureaucracy to get things done, the streamlining of management and certain products, the internal communication, your relations with the host), some things that are confusing (the "new'" website, the "improved website", the lack of external communication, the decision to butt heads with Congress by ignoring them, the lack of focus on some of your products) and some things may have long term, negative impacts ( your fleet plan, your relations with the hosts and Congress, your isolation of the private car industry and their lobbying power, your lack of focus on some products and a lack of communication with your partners.)
All things considered, I'm in the C+ range. What happens in the next few months will hopefully give us some insight and footing.
What do you think?