Texas Eagle discussion

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There maybe a glimmer of hope for the Texas Eagle. Amtrak ran a Inspection Train from Fort Worth to El Paso over the former Texas and Pacific with the possibility of rerouting the Texas Eagle and combining it with the Sunset Limited in El Paso. Part of the reasoning is they want a faster Dallas to Los Angeles Train. And a possible east connection over the Meridian Speedway. You would be looking at 2 nights from Chicago to Los Angeles instead of 3.The article didn’t mention anything about maintaining the San Antonio Section but I think they would. On the down side the article said this was not high on their priority list.

Given they are doing the intermittent bus service to Dallas, it could be they are going to consider a bus service from San Antonio to either DFW or El Paso & meet the trains there.
There maybe a glimmer of hope for the Texas Eagle. Amtrak ran a Inspection Train from Fort Worth to El Paso over the former Texas and Pacific with the possibility of rerouting the Texas Eagle and combining it with the Sunset Limited in El Paso. Part of the reasoning is they want a faster Dallas to Los Angeles Train. And a possible east connection over the Meridian Speedway. You would be looking at 2 nights from Chicago to Los Angeles instead of 3.The article didn’t mention anything about maintaining the San Antonio Section but I think they would. On the down side the article said this was not high on their priority list.
When was the inspection train?
There have been a couple of inspection trains between FTW and ELP over the decades. Previously it was about rerouting the Sunset to boost ridership and move to daily. Running it to Shreveport then down to NOL. The TE would split to serve SAT and HOU. Rumors and dreams.
There have been a couple of inspection trains between FTW and ELP over the decades. Previously it was about rerouting the Sunset to boost ridership and move to daily. Running it to Shreveport then down to NOL. The TE would split to serve SAT and HOU. Rumors and dreams.
That definitely wasn’t mentioned in this particular article. This article mentioned Dallas to Fort Worth to El Paso. Meet up with the Sunset Limited in El Paso. This article was written in December 2022. And let me stress, the author mentioned this was not high on Amtraks priority list.
About eight years ago there was an “inspection “ train going through the Florida panhandle on the Sunset Limited route. What did that accomplish? Florida obviously does not want to pony up the money to restore train service to the panhandle
The ”Meridian Speedway” and this re-route via El Paso was on Warrington’s Network Growth Strategy Plan back in the 1990s.…..Both still being talked about so they must be way down there on the priority list……lol.
There were some discussions about the dining service on the Eagle south of St Louis. Talked to a Amtrak Employee, she said all Sleeping Car Passengers boarding in St Louis heading South will be served dinner in their rooms and she said a change in the dining car service is coming.Didn’t get a chance to go into more detail about what changes she was taking about. If I get any more info I will let you know.I have to stop by the station this weekend. I will check into it.
There were some discussions about the dining service on the Eagle south of St Louis. Talked to a Amtrak Employee, she said all Sleeping Car Passengers boarding in St Louis heading South will be served dinner in their rooms and she said a change in the dining car service is coming.Didn’t get a chance to go into more detail about what changes she was taking about. If I get any more info I will let you know.I have to stop by the station this weekend. I will check into it.
A change in dining car service? Traditional dining? We can only hope. Hey,while we are talking change how about the return of the Sightseer car?
There were some discussions about the dining service on the Eagle south of St Louis. Talked to a Amtrak Employee, she said all Sleeping Car Passengers boarding in St Louis heading South will be served dinner in their rooms and she said a change in the dining car service is coming.Didn’t get a chance to go into more detail about what changes she was taking about. If I get any more info I will let you know.I have to stop by the station this weekend. I will check into it.
This could be Bad or Good! IF it's Traditional Dining being served in your Room after the boarding in St. Louis, ( last Call)that would be Good,but if it's still Flex Food that would Suck!!!
There were some discussions about the dining service on the Eagle south of St Louis. Talked to a Amtrak Employee, she said all Sleeping Car Passengers boarding in St Louis heading South will be served dinner in their rooms and she said a change in the dining car service is coming.Didn’t get a chance to go into more detail about what changes she was taking about. If I get any more info I will let you know.I have to stop by the station this weekend. I will check into it.
Boy, I've said this before, but I seriously will not ride the Eagle. I won't ride a train where the OBS thinks they are Correctional Officers who can restrict you to your cell.

That's got to be against policy, not that policy has ever mattered to OBS staff, who generally feel empowered to make up their own without consequence.

I'd take the change of dining "news" with a big boulder of salt. Amtrak has a large and active rumor mill. Historically, "news" related by OBS crew is maybe slightly more reliable than that of the railfan community, i.e. not very.
I just saw today's southbound Texas Eagle go past my office window, a few minutes early (3:05PM), and it had 6 cars behind the engine instead of the usual 5. This time, the new car (2nd from last in the consist) appeared to be a Sightseer Lounge/Cafe Car. (At least, I don't usually notice the Sightseer Lounge when the Eaglette goes past in the afternoons.)
I just saw today's southbound Texas Eagle go past my office window, a few minutes early (3:05PM), and it had 6 cars behind the engine instead of the usual 5. This time, the new car (2nd from last in the consist) appeared to be a Sightseer Lounge/Cafe Car. (At least, I don't usually notice the Sightseer Lounge when the Eaglette goes past in the afternoons.)
Wow, I can't think of any conceivable deadhead moves to position a Sightseer for trains that already have one that would involve using the Eagle. Plus being the 5th car of a 6 car train would indicate it is part of the active consist. A deadhead would likely be at one end or the other.

Keep up the watch!
Hey guys, I think management must have been reading this thread. I just saw 21 go by with a newly refurbished transition sleeper and Beech Grove. I made sure to wave at Mr. Harris!
Now if the Sightseer Lounge,2nd Sleeper and LSA and Traditional Dining are returned, we can once again call it The Texas Eagle!
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Correction, apparently Gardner himself was aboard. Yeah, what zephyr17 said.

Apparently they're going all the way to San Antonio, and I guess there's a chance the transdorm isn't a permanent addition. However... will be very interesting to see how the big man likes his Flex meals, and will be able to tour the train and maybe mingle with passengers if he's brave enough.
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Correction, apparently Gardner himself was aboard. Yeah, what zephyr17 said.

Apparently they're going all the way to San Antonio, and I guess there's a chance the transdorm isn't a permanent addition. However... will be very interesting to see how the big man likes his Flex meals, and will be able to tour the train and maybe mingle with passengers if he's brave enough.
He's often stayed in Beech Grove with his own chef.

The transdorm is probably just there so the Beech Grove can be accessed from the rest of the train.
He's often stayed in Beech Grove with his own chef.

The transdorm is probably just there so the Beech Grove can be accessed from the rest of the train.
Hopefully he got to enjoy the "Perk" of riding directly behind the -P-42 that Revenue Sleeper Passengers now get on today's
Let him eat Flex.
"Shorty" Eaglette Consist!
Eagles have really been catching the lateness bug recently. I was on 22 (MIN-BNL) on the 14th/15th and we were something like 6 hours late getting in to BNL. Granted, this was not Amtrak's fault - apparently a gravel washout near Carlinville that had to be fixed and then checked before we could run over it. We sat in STL for the full time (Had I known - had they told us "we won't leave here before 1 pm" I might have considered running over to the aquarium, but they just kept saying "it will be a little while yet")

I will say, without my asking, I was comped $200 in the form of a voucher for my troubles, which I appreciated (and already used, put it towards my Thanksgiving reservations - because that's a lot more time critical, I have to order early so I can get a roomette)

At least today on my return, it was on time....
I have a good reason to travel to San Antonio because my son and his wife moved there last summer. It would be nice to ride the train to see them but considering the cost of sleeper accommodations, lack of amenities due to downgraded service, and the likelihood of late arrival (they are early to bed, early to rise people) which forces a hotel room, the value proposition just isn't there. So, it will be Southwest Airlines instead.
I have a good reason to travel to San Antonio because my son and his wife moved there last summer. It would be nice to ride the train to see them but considering the cost of sleeper accommodations, lack of amenities due to downgraded service, and the likelihood of late arrival (they are early to bed, early to rise people) which forces a hotel room, the value proposition just isn't there. So, it will be Southwest Airlines instead.
The Texas Eagle is Amtrak’s worst long distance train for two reasons. Flex food and no sightseer car, two issues Amtrak could easily rectify but they choose not to
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