what are the rules for room service in sleeping cars?

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Some of my best stories are about people I have dined with in the diner. The senior couple who the met on the EB and are now together 8 years later. The brothers that went to Reno every year for a little get away. One of which Did not get back to the train fast enough at a smoke stop. The self professed carnie who told some of the secrets of the carnival world. The young man who just had to be in Anaheim [ Disney Land ] on time, to do some voice overs in his Mickey Mouse voice. The mayor of Salmon ID. Who, when ask for his order for dinner said " I did not work my way to the top of the food chain for nothing. I will have the steak. " The marine lawyer with tales of insurance fraud in the millions of dollars. The young couple in the USA for the first time. On their way to San Francisco. Who we later saw and had dinner with in San Francisco. ECT> ECT>.
I, too, have many stories about meeting interesting people in the diner. And I like to talk and sometimes that might make people uncomfortable. :( .

I believe the OP has legitimate concerns that we have addressed and we should respect their reasons for wanting to stay in their room to eat their meals.

I agree with Ryan and Sarah that we should not try to psychoanalyze our members and guests and help them have a comfortable trip on Amtrak . :)
Then there is the person who feels she must tell you her life story between bites, not taking hints that I don't want to be rude, but I want to pay attention to my meal, not your life story. You don't want to seem rude, so you feint interest.

Then there is the person who because he didn't want to have his hip right up against the wall of the dining car, part of your cheek is hanging off your seat.

Or you are seated with someone who doesn't even want to say hi, where are you from? There is just being polite and say hi.

One of my favourites was being seated directly across a very hung over college student and since I was against the window I had no direct and immediate escape route. To say he was green in the muzzle is an understatement. He ordered the Half Chicken and didn't even touch the salad or roll and when the main plate came he took like 1 pick of the chicken, a bite of a side and suddenly shot up, threw down a couple bucks tips and fled back to the Sleepers.

Needless to say he was worthless for conversation and I was in fear of coming under direct attack. When the Server came by he laughed about us scaring the poor lad off without his supper. His plate went to the Kitchen Cat.

So as a rule if you think you are going to need to fast bail, take the aisle :)
I would only consider taking a meal in my room if I was either sick, or just completely exhausted. I like being able to interact with other people, and (on trains without SSLs) it's nice to be able to get out of your room and sit where you can see out of both sides of the train.
My first "free" meal on the SL was memorable. I got on at Tucson about 8PM. The SCA helped me to my roomette and then told me that they had saved me a steak in the dining car.

I had a table all to myself and ordered the steak medium rare. Perhaps I was the last sleeping car passenger to get a meal that night. I was about 1/3 of the way through the steak when I was told that there was smoke/fire? in the kitchen and the car was being evacuated. They brought a clear plastic cover for my plate and I went back to my roomette. When the SCA came back for the plate, I asked for my desert. He brought it without any question.
People need to learn to be around other people. It is not realistic to have the whole world to yourself. If you don't like it then buy your own train network and travel that way.
Isn't it great that train addict has the perfect solution to shyness and social anxiety?? Not!!!!
You asked for my opinion and so I gave it. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I hear much too much of this "social anxiety" stuff lately. Making up more sicknesses so they can prescribe more medication so the companies can get more money. Not everything is as complicated as it sounds. Shy? Okay, just deal with it. It won't kill you. Start with some basics like "My name is…" and things will be fine. It's not a job interview. It's lunch. Sorry if I sound like an old geezer, but there are much bigger issues in the world than feeling a little uncomfortable or awkward while enjoying a meal on a train. Just look at the news and get some perspective.
People need to learn to be around other people. It is not realistic to have the whole world to yourself. If you don't like it then buy your own train network and travel that way.
Sounds like to me... you need some lessons too. See social skills.

Isn't it great that train addict has the perfect solution to shyness and social anxiety?? Not!!!!
You asked for my opinion and so I gave it. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I hear much too much of this "social anxiety" stuff lately. Making up more sicknesses so they can prescribe more medication so the companies can get more money. Not everything is as complicated as it sounds. Shy? Okay, just deal with it. It won't kill you. Start with some basics like "My name is…" and things will be fine. It's not a job interview. It's lunch. Sorry if I sound like an old geezer, but there are much bigger issues in the world than feeling a little uncomfortable or awkward while enjoying a meal on a train. Just look at the news and get some perspective.
Strongly Agree. When I was growing up we didn't have all this ADD, ADHD and other "social anxiety" crap. You were thrown in the deep end and learned to get along with other people. It is understandable being uncomfortable around some people but for the purposes of a Dining Car meal it is not going to change a life. Interestingly, community seating has been a norm for railroads for well over 100 years and folks have survived it quite well.
Deleted. None of you are worth it.
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To those who find it necessary to admonish a person with issues; I wish you could all learn to be kinder to eachother. It's so easy to criticize others' weaknesses, but God help anyone who tries to put you down for your weaknesses. And yes, you DID sound harsh!
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People need to learn to be around other people. It is not realistic to have the whole world to yourself. If you don't like it then buy your own train network and travel that way.
If only there were a nice middle ground, where someone who doesn't want to be around other people (for whatever reason) or for other reasons cannot make it to the dining car could simply have the meal brought to their private room that they already have on the train.

Oh wait...

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