Gee, just past P42's that are 25 years old with 3 million miles on them. 30,000 MDBF is not very impressive. The Corridor ones are junk. Passengers don't care why, including me.
There are far more Superliners laying around with minor wreck damage that can be repaired. They have been doing nothing.
No, pdf timetables are not available on line. You get stops for a specfic train by pretending to make a reservation with no idea where the train came from and with unneccessary internet inquiries. You don't even get that where there is no Wifi and no cellphone signal. That is a time card, not a timetable, which means a comprehensive view of rows and columns, with connections of all trains on the route, with amenities shown for each train and for each station, which all commuter railroads manage to do. There is no way to tell that your DC - NYP train came from Virginia, and more likely to be late or that the Lake Shore Ltd has Boston section, the only food service avilable to coach passengers. Amtrak is not an airline, nor is VIA Rail. There is nothing "getting with the times" by managerial laziness and witholding information like a bus company, many of whom are failing.