Of course I like my plan the best. It gives CIN good times both eastbound and westbound while Seaboard92's would still require anyone from CIN to/from the east to arrive in the middle of the night (although westbound they could take the new extended Hoosier State).I'm going to say something a very wise person once told me when I was griping about the times for my town. A long distance train has to pass somewhere in the middle of the night.
I think we can virtually write off the PGH-Columbus line until Ohio puts money in upgrading it. Which now leaves us several options we can run my proposal which services Cincy better east.
So here is my proposal.
Phase I: part 1 make the Cardinal daily which then negates the need for a Hossier State ran by IP.
Part 2 extend the Hoosier State east to CIN leaving at seven am. It gets to CHI around two-three.
It solves both problems connections in Chicago and a day train to CIN. And it gives IND a ten am train out. Schedule the return for nine PM into CIN so departing roughly around noon. Two trainsets needed. Plus an additional one or two for more IND-CHI trains.
Phase Two: instate the Ohio State Limited from CIN-CLE-NYP.
Now CIN has good times east and west as well as north.
Philly let me think a bit on the Nashville train
I had proposed two scenarios but I think it's better to keep the CL as is and have the LL be the Ohio train. Otherwise, both "transfer" trains terminate in NYP while WAS would be stuck with both "Ohio" trains (if you consider the Cardinal a WAS train more than a NYP train since it arrives in WAS first).Do you want the CL with morning CLE westbound with transfers to CIN, or the Liberty Limited with that?
For now, I would say keep the CL and LSL as is with maybe minor tweaks but they should remain the two biggest (and once the Cardinal schedule shifts the only two) trains connecting to/from the west.3. What happened to the Capitol Limited and Lake Shore Limited? Should we just leave them alone for NEC-CHI overnight passengers with connections to the western trains, or no?
Unless the PRIIA's are just Amtrak's way of getting the government off their backs, they want a daily Cardinal.They want the CL/Pennsylvanian through cars but AAO thinks having a separate train and routing through Michigan would be better. Once the Viewliner II's come in, they will certainly have enough cars for the daily Cardinal, Liberty Limited, and possibly the Ohio State Limited. It then goes to negotiating track usage (and in the case of the Cardinal, improving the tracks enough).Just a quick aside. Nobody has a proposal as to where the money is going to come from. Without that, this is fantasy. Fun, but fantasy.
This was yours: http://discuss.amtraktrains.com/index.php?/topic/66222-ohio-state-limited-nyp-buf-cle-cin/I'm actually opposed to an extension of my Ohio State Limited at least for the first few years for what I think is a good reason.
The schedule I made for it (Philly can you dig it up for me please) calls for just two trainsets. Extending it down any further requires three or four. And it's better to have an initial train start off simple.
On the matter if who pays the dime it's over 750 miles so it could fall under national network. But I would say Ohio could potentially fund it (after Kasisch) and potentially New York State. Which would give them a night train NYP-BUF. For stations it could be a cross between states and towns. And I believe the population on the route is larger then most of the other routes. And two sets of equipment for daily operation isn't horrible.